

02月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[ETS官方托福作文满分范文:捐款怎么花]Your school has received a gift of money. What do you think is the best way for your school to spend this money? Use specific reasons and details to support you...+阅读

Why should we protect wildlife animals?

Do you know of any endangered animals? Why are they in danger?I think there are many endangered animals in the world, such as tigers and pandas. When farmers cut down trees, tigers can no longer hide and hunt. Many tigers are killed by people who want to sell their fur for money. And there are few places where pandas can live. We are not alone in the world. We human beings could not live without all the plants and animals around us. So protecting wildlife animals are very important. We must take measures to keep plants from being destroyed and stop animals from being killed. If each of us can plant a tree and build a birdhouse, the world will be more beautiful. It is very easy but useful.



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