

01月13日 编辑 39baobao.com

[材料作文写个思路再举些例子正反两个方面的]因为他们可以找到自己的闪光点 青年时期的大仲马穷困潦倒,流浪到巴黎,期望父亲的朋友能帮助自己找份谋生差事,父亲的朋友问他有何优点,大仲马只能摇头,似乎连丝毫的优点也找不出...+阅读

The methods to improve English Are you concerned about your so-so English? Are you sparing no efforts to deal with it? There exist some methods that you can reference. Listening: 1. Learning languages start from listening. As you see, it is meaningful to master listening. 2. Get some listening materials, such as VOA, with text. knowing what text is about, you can listen so that you can easily understand what it says. Speaking: 1. First thing first, you must know Phonetic Transcription well. You could buy yourself some books which is about Phonetic Transcription and that is suitable for you. 2. Find a passage that is easy for you, it means there is no new words and you can read it fluently. At the same time, you also need to get the listening material that belongs to this passage. 3. What you need to do is just imitating. You must follow the listening and repeat speaking. Day after day, you will speak as a foreigner. Reading: 1. Get an advanced English-Chinese dictionary for you, such as Oxford. 2. Choose some books or magazines for you, such as Crazy English and New Oriental English Teen. 3. No way out, just read and read. You will improve soon. Writing: 1. Try to make diaries and blogs in English; do not be concerned about your mistakes. Then hand them to your teacher to correct them. 2. You also can get some good topics from NMET and make compositions. Translating: 1. It plays a very important role in English learning. It will help you a lot to express yourself in native way. 2. Try to translate everything you can between English and Chinese to tell the differences. 你把这篇改改吧,这是原来在我们校报上发表的,挺实用的。


中学生材料作文500 600字怎么写从我渺小的视野来看问题的话,老师,的的确确的是一个非常圣神而又伟大的职业。我从小就酷爱玩“同学老师”的游戏,因为我觉得真是太有意思了!而且每次都是我充当老师这个职业,这是...



新班新事的作文510字期中考刚结束,老师就叫我们进入状态迎接期末。可是层出不穷的新事让我们又喜、又怒、又哀、又乐。 第一波就是“(双林)老师”,两个姓林的实习老师。他们一来,可给班主任张老师减...

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英语写作方法有哪些英语写作方法有哪些: 首先,审题,条理清楚 保证不跑提示写作当中第一任务,第二个重要任务就是要做到条理清楚。对于议论文来说,正反面要清楚,对于说明文来说条理要清楚,对于描述文来...

英语作文写作技巧第二段的第一句通常是第一段的原文概括的过渡句,有几个常用句型的,例如,Take me as an example; I don't agree more with the author.等等,要看原文的是什么类型的文章选适合的...

如何写好英语作文 6条必看的写作技巧英语作文写作技巧 马上该升入六年级了,在这关键的还不到一年的时间里里,我认为还要多看一些适合我们的英语课外读物,因为它可以开阔我们的视野,提高我们的阅读能力。 我们每次英...

英语作文的方法在我们高三的作文中,老师改作文首先会看你的语法错误,就是看一看单词有没有拼错,时态有没有错,动词的变化(比如有没有加s,ed,之类的) 在我看来,语法基本没错的,分都是很高的!还有就是...
