

01月13日 编辑 39baobao.com

[急求雅思口语范文材料]This topic reminds me of a Japanese restaurant I often hit with friends. It has a typicalJapanese name which is Sakura. The restaurant is sharp opposite to my c...+阅读

Independent Writing TopicDo you agree or disagree with the following statement?Educating children is a more difficult task today than it was in the past because they spend so much time on cell phone, online games, and social networking Web site.Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.1. 题目翻译你是否同意以下观点:如今教育孩子比之前更难了,因为他们花太多时间在手机、网络游戏还有社交网站上。

2. 审题关键词Educating children; Cell phone; Online games; Social networking Web site3. 论证分析正:a) Children are easily midguided by the unhealthy information on the Internet and once they have absorbed it into their own values, it would be hard to educate them and change their mind.b) Children are busy with the cell phone, online games and social networking website that they tend to spare no patience and attention to listen to their teachers or parents for any instruction.c) People with whom children met, chatted and played via these three channels exerted great influences on them, which could be negative. However, as children spent so much time with these people and trusted them, they might resist the advices given by their teachers and parents.反:a) Teachers and parents could take advantage of these three things to get close to the children and be their friends so that in fact it is easier to educate them with variours channels.b) For parents particularly, they could make it a bonus for children to use the cell phones, play games and chat on the social networking Web site when they do some housework, complete their homework or get high scores in a test. In this way, children may get a positive stimulus to do right things and parents educate them during the process.


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