

01月07日 编辑 39baobao.com

[毕业论文摘要致谢]摘要一般与自己的论文内容有关,就是自己做了什么。比如: 摘要:通过介绍行波测距单端测距的原理以及行波的反射机理,阐述了单端行波测距的扩展模型,并结合原理及扩展模型分析了行...+阅读

Foot back artery promote skin flap foot back before the skin defect

Renqiu city east of the three hospital

Abstract: objective to explore the back foot skin flap to promote artery front feet skin defect in the back way and curative effect. Methods of 9 cases of patients with skin defect front feet back foot, application of skin flap to push back the artery, defect area (long x width) 2.5 cm x 3.5 cm ~ 4 cm x 7.5 cm. Results after operation, 9 cases all flaps survived completely incision stage I healing. Follow-up of 6 months to 9 months, an average of seven months. Beautiful appearance, texture flap feel good foot ankle function, satisfaction. Conclusion foot back artery promote, including the famous flap arteriovenous and nerves, skin flap blood supply and return sure, high quality, survived feel good, simple operation, and the operation of small trauma, applicable YuXiuFu small area front feet skin lack of back


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