
Every day is a lucky day 好运常伴

12月21日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语写作辅导:爸爸的一天Adayofmyfather]My father is a teacher. He teaches in a high school. After he gets up at 7 o'clock everyday, he has breakfast and reads the latest newspapers. Then, he goes to...+阅读

I teach economics at UNLV three times per week. Last Monday, at the beginning of class, I cheerfully asked my students how their weekend had been. One young man said that his weekend had not been so good. He had his wisdom teeth removed. The young man then proceeded to ask me why I always seemed to be so cheerful.

His question reminded me of something I'd read somewhere before: "Every morning when you get up, you he a choice about how you want to approach life that day," I said. "I choose to be cheerful."

"Let me give you an example," I continued, addressing all sixty students in the class. "In addition to teaching here at UNLV, I also teach out at the munity college in Henderson, 17 miles down the freeway from where I live. One day a few weeks ago I drove those 17 miles to Henderson. I exited the freeway and turned onto College Drive. I only had to drive another quarter mile down the road to the college. But just then my car died. I tried to start it again, but the engine wouldn't turn over. So I put my flashers on, grabbed my books, and marched down the road to the college."

"As soon as I got there I called AAA and arranged for a tow truck to meet me at my car after class. The secretary in the Provost's office asked me what has happened. 'This is my lucky day,' I replied, smiling."

" 'Your car breaks down and today is your lucky day?' She was puzzled. 'What do you mean?'"

" 'I live 17 miles from here.' I replied. 'My car could he broken down anywhere along the freeway. It didn't. Instead, it broke down in the perfect place: off the freeway, within walking distance of here. I'm still able to teach my class, and I've been able to arrange for the tow truck to meet me after class. If my car was meant to break down today, it couldn't he been arranged in a more convenient fashion.'"

"The secretary's eyes opened wide, and then she smiled. I smiled back and headed for class." So ended my story.

I scanned the sixty faces in my economics class at UNLV. Despite the early hour, no one seemed to be asleep. Somehow, my story had touched them. Or maybe it wasn't the story at all. In fact, it had all started with a student's observation that I was cheerful


Three days to see(Part 3)第三天,我将在人们的日常世界中度过,到为生活而奔忙的人们中间去,去体会他们的快乐、忧伤和感动…… The Third Day The following morning, I should again greet the dawn, a...

Three days to see(Part 2)第二天:我要在黎明起身,去看黑夜变成白昼的动人奇迹。 我将怀着敬畏之心,仰望壮丽的曙光全景,与此同时,太阳也唤醒了沉睡的大地…… The Second Day The next day - the second d...
