

01月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[大一新生如何备战英语四级]急什么啊? 呵呵,我上大一的时候也这样,熟悉啊 你记住你肯定要考四级就行了。有目标是好的,可是考四级不是你的目的,你的目的是提高英语水平,建议你好好的学习你现在的英语教材,单词...+阅读

The layout of letters

1.The top part of a business letter

日期:Date: 23 December 2007

地址:Mr. James Green

Sales manager


55-60 Old St, London E6 6HG

称谓:Dear Mr. Green (Dear Gentlemen, Dear Sir, Dear Sirs, Dear Madam)

2.The body part of a business letter



3. Look at the two endings of business letter below. Notice the useful phrases that are used in these letters.

(1)Please let me know if this is convenience.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes

Yours sincerely,


Ms. Gillian Janes

Personnel Nanager

(2)Please phone us to confirm the details.

We look forward to receiving your comments.

Yours faithfully


for Ms. Gillian Jones

Personnel Manager



大学里面应如何计划通过将来临的英语四级考试考试准备: 1)星火词汇一本;(1-6级),多积累词汇对写作和阅读有帮助 2)平常多听英语广播/磁带 3)历年的真题要做一遍,最新模拟题目考前做3-5份就够了 4)收集最新考试动态资料,考试报名时...

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