

12月30日 编辑 39baobao.com

[高考英语写作最好的俩个百搭黄金句型]其实很多句型都是由简单的拼出来的,你需要知道衔接词,常见的有 which, that, whom, when or, and, and, but, however 还有一些句型 How about some tea? I like tea. This te...+阅读

您好 我是世纪雅思的老师,很高兴能帮助你 1) Indeed, A is superior to/enjoys a distinct advantage over B in...,but it pales/proves inferior beside B/compared with B in many aspects. (In the first place...In the second...In the third...) (e.g. Indeed, television is superior to newspapers in vividness AND quickness, but it pales beside B in many other aspects.) 2) In spite of the fact that A has made a great difference、contribution t o.../has given life、color、variety、rein、birth、rise、a push to..., it means、proves、 sounds nothing、trivial when compared with B in some respects. (For one thing,... For another,...For still another,...) (e.g. In spite of the fact that the revolution in industry has given variety to the way people live, it proves trivial when compared with the revolution in information.) 3) Although nothing、few things can come close to A/can outweigh A in..., its demerits、disadvantages、drawbacks、defects stand out against B.(First...Second ...Third...And above all...)A (e.g. Although few things can outweigh the intellectual education in tapping mental resources, its disadvantages stand out against the moral education.) 4) Popular、Highly-praised、Welcome、Fashionable、Prevalent as A is in+地点名词/among some people(或Helpful、Useful、Beneficial、Advantageous as A is to sb.), it suffers from、reveals、displays practical problems、faults、limits、weaknesses before/by comparison to/compared with B.(To begin with...Next...Last...)A (e.g. Beneficial as the CALL (Computer-Assisted Language Learning) is to students, it suffers from some undoubted faults by comparison to the face-to-face language learning.) 5) It is obvious、true that B can't compete/be compared with A in..., but B still enjoys/secures/has/possesses distinct/considerable/decided/substantial advantages over A.(One of these is...Another...Still another...)A (e.g. It is obvious that radio can't compete with television in visuality, but it still possesses substantial advantages over television.) 1�确实,A比B在…方面优越、有明显的优势,但在很多方面还是比B逊色、证明不如B。

� 例:确实,在生动和快捷方面电视比报纸优越,但在其他方面却比报纸逊色。 � 2�尽管事实上A对…有巨大作用、贡献、A使…生动、增色、多样化、得到控制、得以产生、得以提高、得以推进,但在一些方面与B相比则差得远。� 例:尽管事实上工业革命使得人们生活多样化了,但它与信息革命比起来简直是小巫见大巫。 � 3�尽管在…方面没有什么、几乎没有什么比A强,但与B相比坏处、弱点、缺点、缺陷明显。

首先…其次…再次…最重要的是…� 例:尽管在开发人脑资源方面几乎没有什么比智力教育更为重要,但与道德教育比起来其弱点也就出来了。� 4� 尽管A在某地、在一些人中很流行、得到高度评价、很受欢迎、很普遍(尽管A对某人有帮助、有用、有好处),但与B比起来它暴露了实际问题、瑕疵、限制、弱点。首先…其次…最后… 例:尽管计算机辅助语言学习对学生有益,但与面对面语言学习相比无疑有一些缺点。

� 5� 在…方面A显然、确实不能与B相比,但B仍比A有明显的、相当的、巨大的优势。其中一个是…另一个是…还有一个是…� 例:在视觉上收音机明显不能与电视相比,但它仍比电视有巨大的优势。


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