

02月05日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英文的自我介绍演讲稿]要多少字啊??? Hi everyone, I am going to introduce myself to you today. My name is XXX. By the end of July, I will become 12 years old( 月份和年龄随便你改). Being an...+阅读

STR 力量值(攻击力) VIT 耐力 (防御力) AGI 敏捷 (回避/攻速) DEX 灵巧 (命中) DROP 掉宝率 CRT 爆击率 ヘイト 仇恨 分为4Rank Rank越大容易被断招 リジェネ 回复 分为sp回复/hp回复 カウンター 反击 可以格档攻击/技能INT智力(魔法攻击力防御力) LUK幸运(暴击) MATK:魔法攻击力 HP:血量 SP:魔法 ATK:物理攻击力 DEF:物理防御 MGK:魔法攻击 RGS:魔法防御力,也影响回复 CON 体质 WIS 智慧/感知 mov: 理论不能加减,每个人都不同的,影响移动速度,侧面反应等 WSP: 武器攻击速度,越大就越慢. 基本能力 HIT:命中率 AVD:回避率...


急求有关电脑说明文的英文小作文100个词左右The computer is the most exciting of the 20 th century invention, she has a lot of kinds of types. Can store information, and when necessary, take out at any ti...

英文作文提纲怎么写作文提纲的形式一般有两种: 1、标题式提纲 这种提纲比较简单,只写出行文各段的标题。 这是一个标题式的作文提纲,勇简洁的文字标出了各段的写作要点。它的特点是文字简洁、速度...

问一下适合朗诵的英文诗歌有哪些我认为最好的就是《世上最遥远的距离》啦 我口语就是背的这个 你自己看看吧 《世界上最遥远的距离》-----泰戈尔 The furthest distance in the world 世界上最遥远的距离, I...

简单的英文诗歌半分钟朗诵The Pasture RobertFrost I'm going out to clean the pasture spring ; I'll only stop to rake the leaves away (And wait to watch the water clear , I may): I shan't...

求简短经典的英文诗歌推荐美国诗人Robert Frost的这首诗,曾经入选高中语文教材的,很有哲理,也不长。The Road Not Taken1. Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,2. And sorry I could not travel b...

求优美的英文诗歌朗诵《雪夜林边小驻》,美国诗人Robert Frost的作品,美国人必修的一首诗,有点类似我们的白日依山尽…… Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village thoug...

求外贸函电关于重新报盘的英文范文Dear Mr.***/Ms.***, Thank you very much for your reply. Regarding to your request of some discount of our offer,i have confirmed with my boss(你也可以说其他人员)a...

怎么用英文写商业询盘Dear sirs, I'm very pleased to inform you that we are interested in your product since there is a strong demand for(填产品名称),and we know that you are a leading...

真心话大冒险规则英文拒绝机器翻译嗯,我在国外玩过这个游戏,他们是这么说的 first, you are going to play "stone or scissors", the one who loses needs to chose between "truth" and "action". If you chose "tru...
