

02月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[五年级作文书信大赛题目:给的一封信以感恩为主题]你们好! 此时此刻,我正怀着一颗感恩的心,给你们——我最亲爱的爸爸、妈妈写这封信。也许这封信你们并不会看到,但你们对女儿的爱,将永远铭记在女儿的心间。 母爱是伟大的!就让我先...+阅读



A 3 paper demonstrates some competence in its analysis ofthe issue and in conveying meaning but is obviously flawed.A typical paper in this category exhibits ONE OR MORE ofthe following characteristics:

• is vague or limited in presenting or developing a position on the issue

• is weak in the use of relevant reasons or examples

• is poorly focused and/or poorly organized

• has problems in language and sentence structure that result in a lack of clarity

• contains occasional major errors or frequent minor errors in grammar, usage, or mechanics that can interfere with meaning.


A 3 paper demonstrates some competence in its critique of the argument and in conveying meaning but is obviously flawed

A typical paper in this category exhibits ONE OR MORE the following characteristics:

• does not identify or analyze most of the important features of the argument, although some analysis of the argument is

• mainly analyzes tangential or irrelevant matters,

or reasons poorly

• is limited in the logical development and organization of ideas;

• offers support of little relevance and value for points of the critique lacks clarity in expressing ideas

• contains occasional major errors or frequent minor errors in grammar, usage, or mechanics that can interfere with meaning


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