

01月08日 编辑 39baobao.com

[造句要远距离选材]造句要远距离选材 什么样的造句作业是优秀的?可能很多同学没有认真思考过这个问题。我们先看某班同学用“络绎不绝”造句情况: 教材《古井》中的原句是:“每天从晨光熹微到暮色...+阅读

I got up in the morning. I washed my face. I brushed my teeth. I ate breakfast. I went to school. I had classes. I played games after class. I slept in the noon. I went to supermarket. I bought some oranges. I came back home by bus. I cleaned my house. I watched TV. I played the piano. I cooked supper. I ate dinner. I went to the square. I danced with my patrner. I returned home. I played computer. I chatted with my friends. I surffed on the Internet. I played the bridge on the net.I I listened to music. I turned on the airconditioner. I went to bed. I slept. He fell off the bike. He broke the windows. He posted the letter. He sent the e-mail. He turned around . He climbed up the hill. He started the game. he rade his bicycle to goto the mountain .他骑车去山里了。 i ate the breakfast .我吃过早饭了。 he was ill last week .他上周病了。 i drank a bottle of wine .我喝了一瓶酒。 i saw a bird in the tree .我在树上看见一只鸟。 i went to school yesterday .我昨天去学校了。 i won the war .我赢得了战争。 he gave me a book last year .他去年给了我一本书。 i played with him the day before yesterday .我前天和他一起玩了。 i watched tv last night .我昨晚看电视了。 12


造句练习—实话实说造句练习——实话实说 一次到二年级听课,课上老师让学生用“已经”造句。学生有的说:“小明己经把作业做好了。”有的说:“小红已经上学了。”课后翻开学生语文作业本,造句的主...

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求初三英语短语造句随便100条短语造句不用太长谢谢1001。the world come to an end2。I doesn't care the price of thi clothes in the slightest3。Getting along with your the one you hate is really hard4。 The failure...

英语动词短语造句并注中文1.run along She ran along sadly,tears in her eyes. 她伤心地一直向前跑,眼里含着泪水. 2.swim across Can you swim across the river? 你可以游过这条河吗? 3.jump off He...

英语动词短语作主语造句。简单一些在英语学习中,如果动词作主语,往往用动词的现在分词形式或者用动词不定式作主语。如: (1)多吃蔬菜对我们的健康有好处。 Eating too many vegetables is good for our health....
