

01月08日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语教学法有哪些]英语教学法有很多, 从事英语教学者最好读一些有关语言教学的英文原文书, 会对你的工作有很大帮助的~推荐书目: 1.《Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching (3nd ed.)...+阅读

英语中,动词不定式也可认为是一大板块的句型,共分为四种不同的表现方式: A类:标准式 1. want to do... 2. like to do... 3. stop to do... 4. have to do... 5. used to do... 6. happen to do... 7. fail to do... 8. decide to do... 9. plan to do... 10.ought to do... 11.start to do... 12.forget to do... 13.learn to do... 14.remember to do... 15.need to do... 16.regret to do... 17.try to do... 18.begin to do... 19.hope to do... 20.be likely to do... 21.be able to do... 22.be willing to do... 23.be going to do.. 24.be about to do.. B类:加宾语式 1.ask sb. to do... 2.decide sb.to do... 3.help sb. to do.. 4.want sb. to do... 5.teach sb. to do.. 6.like sb. to do... 7.invite sb. to do. 8.tell sb. to do... 9.inform sb. to do. 10.order sb. to do... C类:省略 to 的动词不定式 1.let sb. do... 2.feel sb. do... 3.see sb. do... 4.make sb. do... 5.help sb. do... 6.hear sb. do... D类:形式主语 + 动词不定式 1.It is easy for sb. to do... 2.It is difficult for sb. to do... 3.It is important for sb. to do... 4.It is necessary for sb. to do... 5.It is useful for sb. to do... 例句: 1.Most of the parents want their kids to study hard at school. 2.If you have any problem,please let me know. 3.It is important for human beings to stop the pollutions all over the world. 4.My father made me do a lot of labour work when I was young. 5.I asked the boy not to play too much vedio game at home. 6.Let's stop here to have a rest for a while.


吉的堡少儿英语的九大教学法A、直接教学法(Direct Method) 教师于授课时不得使用学生们本身之母语教授第二外国语言,在课程进行的当中也不做任何的翻译,纯粹借由外语直接进行教学。 B、互动式教学法(Interac...

要教幼儿英语大家有什么好的教学方法先培养孩子的兴趣嘛。 首先先把家里的家具什么的都给贴上个小小的标题,注明英语、音标。 教他怎么读。 然后陪孩子逛街什么的时候,看到超市你首先给他一个反应或印象就: superm...

英语中常见的教学方法有哪些1.Task-Based Language Teaching,即TBLT这是新课标之后实行的新型教学方法——任务型教学,这个意识半会儿说不清楚,你得好好研究一下。如果成功了,这个教学方法课堂效果会很好。...


小学英语教学过程的要素是什么论小学英语有效教学的三个要素 有效教学是指教师遵循教学活动的客观规律,使用恰当的教学策略,以尽量少的时间、精力和物力投入,取得尽可能多的教学效果。《英语课程标准》指出,...

小学英语的课程标准是什么目 标 总 体 描 述 一级 对英语有好奇心,喜欢听他人说英语。能根据教师的简单指令做游戏、做动作、做事情(如涂颜色、连线)。能做简单的角色扮演。能唱简单的英文歌曲,说简单的...


求初三英语短语造句随便100条短语造句不用太长谢谢1001。the world come to an end2。I doesn't care the price of thi clothes in the slightest3。Getting along with your the one you hate is really hard4。 The failure...

英语动词短语造句并注中文1.run along She ran along sadly,tears in her eyes. 她伤心地一直向前跑,眼里含着泪水. 2.swim across Can you swim across the river? 你可以游过这条河吗? 3.jump off He...
