

01月08日 编辑 39baobao.com


In the " Chinese wolf dad " Smith Siu eyes, " smacking " is not only an indispensable family education sectors , and is " the most exciting part ." According to " Chinese wolf dad " Smith Siu introduced whenever the child everyday conduct , academic performance does not meet his demands , he must accept the feather duster "punishment ." " Chinese wolf dad " Smith Siu said that he is not the public eye "barbaric Father" , to use violence to force their children to obey their will . " ' Smacking ' is not so simple as saying , according to my experience , to play sciences, arts play is not easy . So what is scientifically fight it ? I think , is a clear family rules , fixed -scale domestic discipline . Child we know how to do is right, how to do is wrong , wrong is wrong or new felon . wrong fight where , playing much lower , playing time can not have a bad reaction after the kick to have children after the determination expressed punished . " " Chinese wolf dad " Smith Siu said. " Chinese wolf dad " Smith Siu believe that children who have three characteristics : animal , human , social. In the 12 years before the kids animal performance was relatively strong feature , you must "fight" right and wrong way to make children understand the truth. " Chinese wolf dad " Smith Siu said: "The child reaches the age of 12 , and his conduct has been basically formed. Thereafter, I would not have kids yourself , but rely entirely on preaching ."


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中国狼爸教育方法的英语作文In the " Chinese wolf dad " Smith Siu eyes, " smacking " is not only an indispensable family education sectors , and is " the most exciting part ." According to " Chin...

