

12月25日 编辑 39baobao.com


1. There is no such a thing as being ok to have sex before marriage or not.

It really depends on the person that you are asking this question to.

Personally I believe that there is nothing wrong with having sex before marriage.

What I believe is at certain age people will naturally get attracted by their opposite sex and when that time comes most people will follow their true feelings.

Will I have sex before marriage?

The answer is no, this is just my personal preference.

Do I have objection for people that have sex before marriage?

The answer is still no, like I said, this is just their own preferences.

2. no, i do not think so.

first if you do everything when you live together before marriage, the fresh feeling after marriage will be reduced.

second it will destory the relationship if you can't handle this well.

third if you are a girl ,you maybe get hurt such as pregency which will make your body weaker.

fourth every hunband wants his bride is a virgin.

3. 问题是随机的,并不是预先设计好的。

4. 有的会问一些与生活有关的,如:what's your hobby?但有的会问一些很专业的。

5. 比如举例说明非谓语动词的用法,举了一个例子,作宾语的,考官就要求再举一个做主语的。


1. 教龄要达到10年以上,也就是评(聘)小学一级教师四年后。

2. 聘小学一级教师期间写的教学论文获市、区级二等奖至少一篇以上。

3. 普通话城镇二级甲等,乡下二级乙等。

4. 电脑要过关三科以上。

5. 听说2011年以后要英语过关。

6. 平时的教学奖状越多越好。



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