

12月15日 编辑 39baobao.com

[get这几招,让孩子远离危险]如今,大家对孩子的安全问题越来越重视,但日常满面会有疏忽。下面给大家介绍几种方法,让孩子远离危险: 1.不要只关注陌生人 很多家长只是告诉孩子小心陌生人。但什么样的人才是陌...+阅读

考研英语大作文练习:危险活动的吸引力The Attraction of Dangerous Activities

In the past, people often faced many dangers in their daily lives. They had to cope with not only natural disasters and frequent outbreaks of disease, but also dangerous animals and warfare. The need to hunt and to protect their territory from other people required them to be skilled in the use of weapons. In addition, any trel also involved great risk as there were few roads and bridges. Nowadays, people do not he to live with such dangers on a daily basis, and yet many people choose to involve themselves in risky activities such as dangerous sports. I believe the following reasons can explain the attraction of such activities.

One reason people are attracted to risky activities is that hey cre excitement. The thrill of mountain climbing or bungee jumping can satisfy their need to break out of their routine. Without the excitement of such sports, they may feel bored with their lives. Another reason people like such activities is that these activities often require a certain amount of skill. Learning to drive a racecar or hang-glide may satisfy the desire to excel and give the participant a feeling of acplishment and personal confidence in his abilities. A final reason that people may choose to engage in risky activities is that they want to stand out from the crowd. By developing a skill that others don’t he, they can feel unique.

For all of these reasons, I believe that risky activities will continue to be popular with some people. In fact, it seems that as soon as one activity bees safer or monplace, thrill seekers e up with a new way to challenge their skills and courage.


孩子会爬是好事扫除危险亦重要  一般来说,8个月左右的孩子基本上就可以爬了,当然每个宝宝的发育都有所不同,这里只能是个参考的数字。宝宝一旦会爬后,小家伙的视野也变得开阔起来,父母在忙着高兴的同时,也要...

想要BB远离危险这些教育不能少  面对BB的意外受伤时,很多大人都无法接受这个现实,沉浸在深深的自责之中。家长们可能从来没有想到孩子会出这些问题,也就从来没有给孩子好好讲一讲安全教育,那家长们应该怎样...

户外活动时,宝贝如何防范危险意外伤害往往突然发生,若孩子还小不能独立面对,那么家长应及时给予必要的指导和帮助,这么做可以避免很多伤害。 1.相信直觉 很多时候,特别是紧要关头,人的直觉很准。建议大家引导...

父母这么教让BB远离危险  家长的过度保护,其实并不是真正意义上的保护孩子,反而使得孩子遇到危险时无法从容应对。各位家长们,想知道怎么去教会孩子远离危险吗?下边我们来一起简单了解一番吧。   ...


危险的环境会影响人的能力【心理学实验】 有一位著名的心理学家曾经作过这样的一个实验:他把几个来参加实验的志愿者带到一间很黑暗的房子里面。在他的引导下,志愿者们很快就穿过了这间伸手不见五指的...


“认识简单的危险标志”安全教育主题班会设计教学目的: 1、使学生认识一些简单的危险标志。 2、了解这些危险标志所表示的意义,避免危险的发生。 教学过程: 一、导入 1、同学们注意到了吗?在街上我们经常能看到一个牌子,上面...

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