

09月23日 编辑 39baobao.com

[小学六年级英语阅读理解看电影]I’m going to see a movie with my friends this weekend. We love seeing movies, but we all like different kinds. I like to see thrillers and science fiction...+阅读

Tom is my classmate. He is from London in England. But he likes China very much. Now he is in Beijing. He is a little fat. He has a round face and big blue eyes. His hair is not black but yellow. His nose ,mouth and ears are ball big. He likes blue. He likes wearing a blue T-shirt and blue jeans. Look at his hand. He has a football in it. We often play football after class.


( ) 1. Tom is an English boy.

( ) 2. Tom's hair and eyes are blue.

( ) 3. The boy with big eyes, big ears ,a big nose and a big mouth is LiuTao.

( ) 4. Tom likes basketball.

( ) 5. Tom's fourite colour is blue.


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