

03月23日 编辑 39baobao.com


这没什么规定, 就是不能用铅笔 Rules and Regulations It is important that all candidates are familiar with the rules and regulations surrounding the IELTS test. You must… Provide proof of your identity (original, valid passport) at registration and every examination session (speaking). Second country nationals must produce a passport. This ID must contain a number, a signature, a date of birth and a photograph. Only have on your desk your identification, pencil/pen (provided), and an eraser (provided). Ensure cell phone, pagers and any other electronic device is switched off and placed with personal belongings outside the room (or left at home, preferably). Any candidate who does not switch off their phone/pager, or who retains one in their possession will be disqualified. Notify the Invigilator or Test Supervisor immediately if test day conditions in any way impede your performance. You must NOT… Impersonate another person or have another person impersonate you. Attempt to cheat, copy the work of another candidate or disrupt the test. Use, or attempt to use, a dictionary, pager, spell-checker, electronic recorder or cell phone for the duration of the test. Any candidate doing so will be disqualified. Talk to or disturb other candidates once the examination has started. Smoke, eat or drink in the examination room. Reproduce any part of the test in any format/medium. Any candidate doing so will have their test results disqualified and be liable to prosecution. Remove any materials used during the examination. This includes, but is not limited to, examination papers, speaking task cards, answer papers or working papers.



雅思考试听力用甚么书好1、剑桥雅思真题集3456789前面的不买 太老 3其实也老了 可以不买 这是最权威的 2、慎小疑的十天突破雅思写作 十天突破雅思口语 这个超级有用 3、王陆807 妙语连珠 4、胡敏...




社会工作者职业水平考试有什么用中大网校社会工作师为您解答: 作用: 1、国家建立社会工作者职业水平评价制度,纳入全国专业技术人员职业资格证书制度统一规划。 2、取得社会工作者职业水平证书的人员,表明其已...



考研用什么笔好啊考研用什么笔好啊,考研可以用0 38的笔芯吗:考研一般用笔要求: 2B铅笔(笔芯削成鸭嘴形,方便涂答题卡); 一支答题用笔、一支备用笔(最好是黑色中性笔); 1,用笔问题:准考证上的用笔要求与试...
