

03月17日 编辑 39baobao.com


直译 (literal translation) 不等于对译

意译 (free translation)

活译 (dynamic equivalence translation)


英语名词转换成汉语动词 (与英语中名词转为动词词义不同)All I wanted was to go somewhere, all I wanted was a change. 我只不过是想到别的地方去,我只想换换空气。

英语名词转换为汉语形容词,副词He noticed a very close agreement between the two countries on the problem. 他注意到两国在这问题上的意见是非常一致的。

翻译中的省略, 增减


英语冠词的省略The blood-red sun sank below the horizon. 火红的太阳沉入地平线。

增减法增词法An American officer slipped on a banana skin. 一个美国军官踩在香蕉皮上滑到了。减词法Could you help me in any way?你能帮帮我吗?


英语中的被动句既可以译成主动句, 又可以译成被动句,还可以根据汉语表达形式译成无主句,判断句等。

It was founded in 1993…它创建于1993年 (主动句)

They are ratified by members' parliaments.它们经成员国议会批准。(主动句)

If the scheme is approved, work on the project will start immediately.如果方案被批准了,这项工程将立即动工。(被动句)

有些英语的被动语态译成中文时,可以按中文习惯加上 受,被,给, 让…给,遭到,把,使,由,为…所,用,靠,予以等。

Vegetable oil has been known from antiquity.植物油自古以来就为人们所熟悉


单词合并Tom's father is dead and gone.汤姆的父亲死了。

He suffered aches and pains all over.

She was frightened into shaking and trembling.

null and void 无效

terms and conditions 条款

few and far between 稀少

free and clear 无


商务英语的语言形式、词汇、以及内容等方面与专业知识密切相关,它承载着商务理论和商务实践等方面的信息,对专业词汇的精确使用是商务语言在词汇使用上的最大特点。例如:sole license(排他性许可证)和exclusive license(独占性许可证),两者各有精确的含义,不能随意交换使用。前者表示在许可证交易中,技术受让方在协议有效期间,在协定的地区内,对许可证项下的技术具有独占权,不许授予第三方,只许在规定地区内使用该技术和出售该产品的许可证;而后者则表示,许可方不得再把同样内容的使用许可证协议受该地域内的任何第三方,就连许可人自己也不得在该地区使用该项技术(胡庚申,2001:154)。又如:anti-dumping measures (反倾销措施),quota-free products (非配额生产)investment in non-productive projects (非生产性投资),clearance sale (清仓削价销售),closed cargo (列入表定运费的货物)等等。


Preface Business English is the understanding of our business under the scenario applied to the English, in fact it is with our understanding of spoken English, writing is fundamentally different, the main difference is that some vocabulary, based on different terms, the main it is a noun.In addition other distinction also includes a different sentence, basically in order to adapt to different business occasions therefore different vocabulary and sentence constitutes Business English must characteristics. Up with the essence of ordinary English there is no difference. The purpose of this thesis is to make the reader understand the importance of business English study and its methods, so as to study business English reading some of the outstanding problems are resolved, and get a deeper level of understanding.Business English is the English style of practical, economic and trade activities are the media. It focused on science, logic, accuracy and rigor, it is relatively focused on the expression of truth. From the scope on, it involves almost all aspects of the economic sphere. Its practical features make the International Business English Translation of understand, in order to improve the quality of translation, he must be a large number of international business knowledge, and proficiency in one of a major. Business English Translation Translation request from a wealth of business theory and business practice knowledge.



商务英语的专业课有哪些?璧目纬滩痪∠嗤???笾掠腥缦驴纬蹋 1、语言实践课 英语精读、英语泛读、英语口语、英语听力、英语写作、 2、语言理论课 英语词汇学、英语语法、商务英语、 3、商务英语基础课...

国际商务师商务谈判的技巧有什么一,商业谈判要努力创造一种和谐的交流气氛。 凡是商业谈判,双方都想通过沟通交流,实现自己一方的某种意图。所以是一种对立统一的关系。因此,往往就需要一个宽松祥和,轻松愉快的...

商务的谈判的技巧有哪些呢商务谈判的语言礼仪技巧: 商务谈判中语言技巧方面,主要有以下几条要素 谈判的语言要针对性强 在商务谈判中,双方各自的语言,都是表达自己的愿望和要求的,因此谈判语言的针对性要...

商务谈判与沟通技巧有哪些商务谈判与沟通技巧 技巧一:空瓶心态。无论我们有多大的成就,请别在每一次的沟通中都高高在上,因为谁也不希望就算自己真不如别人,而总是看或者听别人指手画脚的和自己谈话。三...

商务谈判中有哪些技巧共同之处: 一是通过谈判加强双方或多方的沟通,加深了解。在化解矛盾和分歧基础上达到共识,以实现交易或合作的目的。二是这种短兵相接的沟通交流,力争在交易和合作中实现自身利...

商务英语学的课程有哪些介绍选择口语标准的美籍外籍师资,最近我学习的学习中心 l on l 成果是挺.好. 叫ABC 英语(商贸英语方向) 培养目标:本方向培养具有较扎实的英语语言基础知识和深厚的英汉语言和文...

商务英语翻译策略1.What is business English? How will you dexcribe the relationship of Business and English? 2.Whtt is the role it plays in Business?English is just a language,...

