

03月15日 编辑 39baobao.com

[小学语文六年级下册古诗文填空练习题]1、张鹏整天不思学习,我们应该用说: ________,________。 来劝他。2、当我们取得好成绩时,老师会说: ________,________。当我们遇到困难时,老师会说: ________,________。当我们...+阅读

Today is ___(hot)than yesterday.It's___(hot)day of the year.

hotter hot

The Changjiang River is ____(long)river in China. the longest

Chongqing is ______(large)city in China. a larger

The moon is ______(small)of the three. the smallest

My flat is _____(good)than yours. better

My pencil is _____(short).Your pencil is _____(long). short long

Tim is ____(old)than Peter.He is _____(old)in our class.

older oldest






5.How soon,How often,How long的提问句分别用回答(比如everyday用什么问,各种各样的,分别举例)

How soon will you go to school?


——Ten minutes later.还剩十分钟了.

How long is the rope?


——About five miles.大概5米.

How long is the you holiday?


——Two months.两个月.

How often do you go to swim?


——Once a week.一个星期去一次.


从A,B,C 三项中选出最符合提意的一项

( ) It's cold. _____ the window, Sparky.

A. Open B. Close C. close

( ) This is a _______(电视).

A. television B. telephone C. televiseions

( ) This is a ________(客厅).

A. bedroom B. bathroom C. living room

( ) You have ________.

A . hairs B. Hair C. hair

( ) I have two ________.

A. foot B. feet C. foots

( ) How many _______ are there?

A dish B. dishs C. dishes

( ) There are thirteen ________.

A dishs B. cans C. can

( ) How many pens _______ there?

A are B. is C. am

( ) Shut the ________!

A. doors B. door C. Window

( ) Take off your _______.

A. Sweater B. jacket C. pant

( ) I like ________(夏天).

A. winter B. summer C. spring

( ) I see an _________.

A. policeman B. science C. apple

( ) He is ____farmer.

A. a B. an C.不填

( ) It's ________ brother.

A. I B. my C. you

( ) He is a ______________.

A. policemans B . policeman C. policemen.

( ) ______ (他) is a doctor.

A. he B. He C. She

( ) These _____ heavy.

A is B. 不填 C. are

( ) This _____ large.

A. are B. Are C. is

( ) _______(那些) are dirty.

A. those B. These C. Those


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