

03月08日 编辑 39baobao.com

[初中英语单词怎么教学]一.采用灵活的方法呈现词汇 在以往教学单词时,我最常用的方法是先由我范读和领读,在学生会读之后就让他们自己记。然而在检查学生的识记效果时却往往不尽如人意。为此,我改变了...+阅读

in the trouble

medical treatment







decide on sth. 作出决定

hundreds of

confidence in oneself


be famous for sth.

borrow from

lend to

at the same time

to observe the school regulations

to depart from sth.


drug abuse


the goal

talk about



both home and abroad

to pay




单词解析1.cheap/tʃiːp/ adj. 便宜的,廉价的:This car is cheap.这辆汽车很便宜。【引申】近义词:inexpensive, uncostly;反义词:costly, expensive。cheapjack质劣而冒充好货的2.trendy/'trendɪ/(美语) adj. 时髦的;赶时髦的:trendy clothes时髦衣服 n. 新潮的人,爱时髦的人3.service/'sɜrvɪs /'sɜːvɪs/ n. 服务,帮助:He was rewarded for his service to our university.他因对本校的贡献而获奖。【记忆法】service为serve的名词形式。【考点】in service在服兵役;被雇佣:He is in service now.他正在服兵役。do a service for为……效劳:I'm glad to do a service for you.我很乐意为您效劳。【引申】social service社会服务;after-sale service售后服务;postal service邮政业务。4.quality/'kwɑlətɪ/ n. 质量;品质:This material is very poor at quality.这种材料质量很差。

5.popular/'pɑpjələ(r)/ adj. 流行的,受欢迎的:The song is popular among the young people.这首歌在青年人中很流行。【记忆法】populace(n. 大众;公众)→popular adj. 。【考点】be popular with sb.受某人欢迎:She is very popular with her students.她很受学生们的欢迎。【引申】popularity n. 名气;流行;unpopular adj. 不受欢迎的。6.creative/krɪ'etɪv/ adj. ①创造的;创造性的 ②有创造力的:She's very creative: she writes and paints.她很有创造能力,既从事写作又从事绘画。7.comfortable/'kʌmfətəbl/ adj. 舒适的;安逸的:Please make yourself comfortable!别客气!(招待客人用语) 【记忆法】comfort(名)+able(形容词后缀)。8.home/həʊm/ n. 家 adv. 到家;回家:Is he home yet?他到家了吗?【考点】at home在家:My mother is not at home.我母亲不在家。

go home回家:When do you go home?你什么时候回家?make oneself feel at home感觉如在自己家中:The boy did not feel at home in such a splendid house.那男孩在这样富丽堂皇的房子里感到不自在。【引申】近义词:birthplace, house, residence。the Home Office内政部;homeland祖国;home-sick想家的。9.town/taun/ n. ①镇,城镇;②镇民,市民 【考点】come to town进城;the town指“镇民”、“市民”,作主语时,谓语用单数:The whole town knows it.市民都知道。【引申】town hall镇公所;town planning城市计划。10.seat/si:t/ n. 座,座位:the back seat of a car汽车的后座 v. 有……座位:使就座:She seated the guest at the table.她请客人在餐桌入席。【考点】take a seat坐下;就座:Won't you take a seat?请坐下好吗?be seated就座;坐下:Please be seated.请坐。

to seat sb.容纳:The hall can seat 200 people.这个大厅能坐200人。【引申】seat belt安全带;the seat of the government政府所在地。11.screen/skri:n/ n. 屏幕,荧光屏,荧屏(尤指电视机或计算机的)12.clothes/kləʊðz/ n. 衣服(pl.) 【考点】习惯用法:clothes作主语时,谓语只能用复数;其代词也只能用复数。“衣服”的数量表达:13.clothing/'kloʊðɪŋ/ n. 衣服(总称) 【记忆法】cloth+-ing, cloth意为“布,布料”,clothing则与“布”有关,引申为“衣服”。【考点】辨析clothing, clothes, dress的用法:clothes表示身上穿的具体的一件件的衣服,只用复数:These clothes fit me.这些衣服对我很合身。clothing表示衣着的整体(统指衣服),无复数形式。dress为不可数名词时统指衣服,尤指“外衣”;作可数名词时,只指“女装,童装”。

14.performer/pə'fɔ:mə/ n. 表演者;演出者 【记忆法】perform(动)+-er(名词后缀)。15.station/'steɪʃn/ n. 电台;电视台:Which TV station is the programme on?这个节目在哪家电视台播放? 这个不是?望采纳~——瑞


1.My mother collects me from school every day. 我的母亲每天从学校接我回家。

2.What did you do with the broken glass? 你是怎么处理破碎的玻璃的?

3.They enjoyed themselves at Shenzhen Safari Park. 他们在深圳的safari公园玩得很高兴。

4.What about having fish for supper? 今天晚上吃鱼怎么样?

5.The computer includes zhe main board,the screen and zhe keyboard. 计算机包括主机,显示屏和键盘。

6.Let's begin from the last student. 让我们从最后一位同学开始。

7.The beads on zhe wires stand for ones,tens,hundreds,and thousands.电报上的珠子代表个位,十位,百位和千位。

8.We come in peace. 我们走进和平。

9.We will get to Shenzhen tomorrow morning. 我们将于明天早晨到达深圳。

10.What do you do that for? 你为什么要这样做?

11.It took me an hour to get to the other side of the river. 为了到达河对岸,我花去了一个小时的时间。(直译:到达河对岸花去我一个小时的时间。)

12.The police entered zhe Pizza Palace at half ten. 警方于十点三十分到达比萨店。


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