

02月27日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语长难句分析]翻译:不幸的是,尽管很多学生在作文中内容和逻辑都比较优秀,但他们对拼写都不怎么重视,所以老师往往在是否给他们打高分这个问题上陷入两难。 分析:1。Unfortunately 状语 2。(a g...+阅读

In addition, results from other types of preschool readiness programs indicate that those who participate and graduate are less like to repeat grades, and they are more likely to complete school than readiness program, for every dollar spent on the program,taxpayers saved seven dollars by the time the graduates reached the age of 27。 (TPO31, 55) 大家自己先读,不回读,看一遍是否能理解 (In addition), results (from other types of preschool readiness programs)indicate that those (who participate and graduate) are less like to repeat grades, and they are more likely to complete school than readiness program, (for every dollar spent on the program, taxpayers saved seven dollars by the time the graduates reached the age of 27。 )(TPO31, 55) 托福阅读长难句分析: 这个句子的主干:results indicate that 后面从句是一个并列结构:those are less like to repeat grades, and they are more likely to complete schoolthan readiness program 修饰一:(In addition),介词短语 中文:另外 修饰二:(from other types of preschool readiness programs),介词短语 中文:来自其他类型的学龄前预备项目 修饰三:(who participate and graduate),从句,修饰those 中文:参加并且毕业 修饰四:(for every dollar spent on the program, taxpayers saved seven dollars by the time the graduates reached the age of 27。

),从句 注意从句里面还有一个从句,即by the time+从句 the graduates reached the age of 27,此处的by the time可看成连词,像anytime/every time/the moment一样。 中文:因为花在这个项目的每一美元,在毕业生27岁时,纳税人可以节约7美元 托福阅读长难句参考翻译: 另外,来自其他类型的学龄前预备项目的结果表明:那些参加过学前项目并毕业的人重读可能性更少,他们更愿意完成学校而不是预备项目,因为花在这个项目的每一美元,在毕业生27岁时,纳税人可以节约7美元。


不是插入语,只不过是为了使句子更精彩而将原因状语放入句子中间,这样无形中就对不熟悉这种结构的同学造成了阅读障碍。其实我们自己在写作的时候,为了显得自己水平很高也会这样做,而且这种用法(原因状语,结果状语,时间状语等等插入到句子中间)在地道的英语文章中是很常见的。这句话的正常语序是:In order for the structure to achieve the size and strength necessary to meet its purpose, architecture employs methods of support that have changed little since people first discovered them——even while building materials have changed dramatically,because they are based on physical laws.一并帮你翻译一下:为了使建筑结构具有与其目的相适应的尺寸和力量,建筑师们采用了自从发现以来就几乎没怎么变化的支撑方法(尽管建筑材料已经发生了极大的改变),因为它们是基于物理规律的(言外之意是基于物理规律的东西是不可以轻易改动的)。


托福英语长难句解析详细In order for the structure to achieve

(In order for the structure) (to achieve the size and strength necessary to meet its purpose), architecture employs methods of support that, (because they are based on physical laws), have changed little since people first discovered them—— (even while building materials have changed dramatically. ) 一个句子重点在于主干,看懂了主干,就看懂了句子的主要成分。以下主干为句子中红色部分,括号里均是修饰成分。 修饰一:(In order for the structure),介词短语 修饰二:(to achieve the size and strength necessary to meet its purpose),非谓语做形容词性修饰structure 修饰三:(because they are based on physical laws),插入语,插入语记得先跳过去,断句别出问题,that和have changed是在一起的。 修饰四:(that have changed little sincepeople first discovered them.从句修饰support 修饰五:(even while building materials have changed dramatically. ),从句 括号外面的是主干:architectureemploys methods of support,注意support这里是名词。


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