

02月26日 编辑 39baobao.com

[小学英语教师面试常见问题有哪些]ehension, communication. 2 4. 教英语的难点是什么? The difficult point is speaking English. English is a second language for students in China. So there is little...+阅读

Class begin上课

Good morning/afternoon,class早上好/下午好,同学们

Listen to me carefully认真听我说

Read after me跟我读

Pay attention to your pronounciation.注意你的发音

Look at the blackboard.看黑板

Open your books and turn to page...打开书,翻到第…页

Take your exercise book.拿出练习册

After class,please read and recite the passage.课后请大家背诵这篇课文

Class is over.下课

Have a rest.休息


Good morning! Good afternoon! Open your books. Turn to page …… Who can tell me ...? Who knows ...? Raise your hand! How many of you have read the text/done the exercise/...? Who can help...? Great! Excellent! Thank you! Anything more? Do you have anything to add? So much for today. Let's have a break. Remember to hand in your homework before the next class.


Any more? Put up your hands. You,please. Stand up,please. Sit down,please. Give me your answer. Very good. Boys and girls... Let's read the words together. Quickly and loudly. 1.cood morning boys and girls. 2.open your book to page xx. 3.show your hands please. 4.follow me/read after me. 5.spell ( teacher t-e-a-c-h-e-r teacher) 6.check your answer. 7.Do you have any questions? 8.show me your homework/picture. 9.let me see your exercise books now 10.speak louder and repeat. 11.look at the blackboard. 12.I say words,and you spell it. 13.look at me do action,and you guess it. 14.together. 15.triangle"one two begin". Assessment: very good!Ecactly,completely correct;you're right;good answer;wonderful;excellent. sorry,i don't think you're right. I don't think so.


英语常用缩略词有哪些1.表示各种组织或机构的缩略词APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) 亚太经贸合作组织 IOC (International Olympic Committee) 国际奥林匹克委员会 ISO (Internationa...

目前中小学课堂教学常用的教学方法有哪些1.以语言传递为主的教学方法 (1)讲授法。这种教学方法是教师通过语言系统连贯地向学生传授知识的方法。它包括讲述、讲解、讲读、讲演等具体形式。讲授法是一种最常见的教学...

适合小学英语课堂游戏有哪些1、我读大声,你读小声; 2、我读一遍,你读三遍; 3、单词拍拍拍; 4、将准备好的单词图卡先给他们看,后藏起一个,让同学猜是哪一个; 5、伸手心读,伸手背不读; 6、几根手指就读几遍; 7、以...

急需小学英语教学中的教师常用口语以下是本人在小学实习阶段总结的课堂教学常用口语: 1.Good morning boys and girls. 2.open your book to page xx. 3.show your hands please. 4.follow me/read after me....

初中英语课堂常用口语集锦Any more? Put up your hands. You,please. Stand up,please. Sit down,please. Give me your answer. Very good. Boys and girls... Let's read the words together. Quic...

小学英语高效课堂教学方法有哪些第一: 创设生活化的情境。提高学生的英语会话能力,这需要我们不断研究我们的生活,不断将生活化的因素充实到课堂的教学当中去,并逐步创设一种再现生活、表达生活的情景,从而创设...

小学英语课堂游戏有哪些啊有很多啊 比如说 击鼓传花:其中一人拿花(或其他好传的东西),一人背着大家或蒙眼击鼓,鼓响传花,鼓停花止。花在谁手中,谁就摸彩,如果花束正好在两人手中,则两人可通过猜拳或其它方式决...


请教一下:在初中的英语课堂教学中哪些是教常用的口语Any more? Put up your hands. You,please. Stand up,please. Sit down,please. Give me your answer. Very good. Boys and girls... Let's read the words together. Quic...
