

12月08日 编辑 39baobao.com



1. Describe a forite photo

What about the photo?

Where was it taken?

Who were on it?考试大

Explain why you like the photo very much

2. Describe a person who is good at cooking

Who the person is?

What does he do?

How good he is at cooking?

Explain why you think he is good at cooking

3. Describe an excitingsports event

What kind of sports it is?

Where did you watch it?

What was the result of the event?

Explain why you think it is exciting

4. Describe a view which you can enjoy through the window

What it is?

How does it look like?

Where it is: ks.examda.

Explain why you like the view very much

5. Describe a piece of interesting news

How did you get the news

What about the news

What it is relevant to?

Explain why you think the news interesting

6. Describe a kind of techniqueyou like to learn in the future

What it is

What it is serving for

How can you learn it

Explain why you want to learn it

7. Describe a way to educate children

What it is考试大(.Examda。)

How can you do it

Where you can do it

Explain why it is a good way for children

8. describe a book you like best

what it is

where did you get the book

how long did you read it

explain why you like the book very much

9. Describe an ideal working place

Where it is

How it is考试大论坛

What kind of work

Explain why it is an ideal place for you

10. Describe a person who help you give things to others

Who he/she is

How did he influenceyou

What did you give to others

Explain why he is the person you think helpful

11. Describe an impressive performance

What it is

Where it is

Who you were going with

Explain why it is the most impressiveperformance for you

12. describe an anization you know well

what it is

what function it has: ks.examda.

what responsibility it has

explain why it is an meaningfulanization

13. Describe an important letter you received

When did you receive it

What’s on the letter

Why did you receive it

Explain why the letter is important to you

14. Describe a kind of cloth you wear in special occasion

What occasion do you wear it

What does it look like

What function it has

Explain it is necessary for special occasion

15. Describe a teamwork you experienced

Who were inside the team

What did you do.Examda.

What result happened in the end

Explain why you think the teamworksuccessful


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