

11月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[如何在阅读教学中提高学生的写作能力]如何在阅读教学中提高学生的写作能力 户县涝店镇中心学校 王可 阅读与写作是语文学科中的主体内容,阅读是写作的基础和借鉴,写作是阅读的升华和创造。自从教育部“十五”规划...+阅读

TASK1:2个BAR chart,

第一个:percentage of secondary-aged girls and boys in the world,分为4个地区:Europe,sub-Saharan,Latin America和 East Asia

第二个:percentage of college-aged women and men in the world ,也是同样的4个地区,都是2001年,所以时态大家要斟酌。

TASK2:Now many people think that spending too much money and time on protecting animals, they think the money should be better spent

on human population, hou much extend you agree or disagree?


Topic: Due to global warming, deforestation or various other reasons, more and more animal species he been pushed to the brink of extinguishment. Some people claim that it is not worthwhile sing these endangered animals. To what extent do you agree with the above statement?


1. Extinction can be a natural evolutionary process.

2. Nature has operated by the Darwinian principle of “survival of the fittest”.

3. Life forms that cannot keep up with newer species will always risk extinction.

4. It does not make sense for us to concentrate on other species when humanity has not yet

sorted its own welfare out.

5. Because of their inherent weakness, some animals should die out and be replaced by hardier species.

6. There’s no point in spending large amounts of taxpayers’ money on biodiversity policies when we he more pressing needs, such as health care and social services.

7. What matters more than anything is that humans are permitted to he the best standard of life on earth, while that privilege lasts.

8. Would you preserve the Dinosaurs if they were alive today?

9. Being extinct is a natural course of events. Extinction occurs naturally as part of the process of evolution.

Words and expressions for the topic:



a natural evolutionary process自然进化过程

Darwinian principle of “survival of the fittest”达尔文的”适者生存”法则

life forms 生命形式

risk extinction冒着灭绝的危险

make sense有意义 humanity人类

welfare 福利、幸福

inherent weakness天生的缺陷 die out 灭绝

pressing needs 迫切的需要

social services 社会福利事业 privilege 特权

Dinosaurs 恐龙 extinct 灭绝的

a natural course of events 自然的过程

process of evolution 进化的过程


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