

02月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[二年级语文期中考试卷子分析]上周五我们进行了语文期中测验,测验的情况总体良好。全班33人达到优秀,其中满分7人。16人良好,2人及格。这次主要集中失分在几处地方,一是组词那里的 泼 和 波 因为字形相近,有...+阅读

1/________A___are quiet

A.jenny and I B.I and jenny C.jenny,I D.I,Jenny


e.g. :He/tired/walk he is too tired to walk

1.she/hunry/stand up she is ____TOO____humgry ____TO_____sleep

2.they /cold/sleep they are ____TOO______cold __TO______sleep

3.the tea/hot/drink the tea is____TOO____hot ____TO_____drink

4.we/old/run we are _TOO_________old __TO___run

5.the sheep/cold /live the sheeep is _TOO_______cold__TO___--live


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