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[初中英语语法大全]最低0.27元/天开通文库会员,可在文库查看完整内容> 原发布者:nerpeng 英语语法大全初中英语语法学习提纲一、词类、句子成分和构词法:1、词类:英语词类分十种:名词、形容词、代词...+阅读

like/love doing/to do sth

hate doing/to do sth

go on to do sth(接着作另一件事)

go on doing sth(接着做原来的事)

forget/remember doing/to do sth

try to do sth(努力做某事)

try doing sth(尝试做某事)

pretend to do/doing sth(假装做/正在做某事)

see/hear/watch sb do/doing sth

allow sb doing/to do sth

begin/start doing/to do sth

have sb doing/do sth

stop doing/to sth(停止做/去做某事)

teach doing sth(教...)

teach sb to do sth(教某人去做某事)

be used to do/doing sth(被用来.../习惯做某事)

volunteer to do sth (自愿做某事)

concentrate on doing sth(集中精力做某事)

spend...(in)doing sth(花费...做某事)

had better do sth=It is best to do sth(最好做某事)

refuse to do sth(拒绝做某事)

argee to do sth(同意做某事)

have sth to do with(与...有关)

offer/show/give/pass/send sth to sb(提供/展示/给/传递/发送 某物给某人)

be carefui of doing sth(小心做某事)

prefer to do sth (更喜欢做某事)

prefer doing sth to doing sth(比起做某事更喜欢做某事)

be sure to do sth(确定做某事)

be interested in doing sth(对做某事感兴趣)

think about doing sth(考虑做某事)

be similar to do sth(与什么相似)

continue doing/to do sth(继续做某事)

choose to do sth(选择做某事)

be willing to do sth(乐意做某事)

go out one's way to do sth(某人特地不怕麻烦的做某事)

hold on to doing sth(继续做某事)

put off doing(推迟做某事)

ask/tell sb to do sth(要求/告诉某人做某事)

according to sth(根据...)

run off to do sth(迅速离开去做某事)

hurry to do sth(匆忙做某事)

invite sb to do sth(邀请某人...)

in order to do sth(为了...)

hope to do sth(希望做某事)

lend sth to sb(把...借给某人)

be going to do sth(打算做某事)

have to do sth(不得不做某事)

be supposed to do sth(被要求做某事)

can't wait to do sth(不能忍受做某事)

have nothing to do(与什么无

feel like doing sth(想要做某事)

practice doing sth(练习做某事)

give up doing sth(放弃做某事)

be good at/do well in doing sth(擅长做某事)

pay attention to doing sth(注意做某事)

be busy doing sth(忙于做某事)


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