

11月17日 编辑 39baobao.com

[新东方笔记:Hobbies&Interests话题]Hobbies & Interests话题1、What do you like to do in your spare time?e.g.: I like go shopping→give more details,e.g.: what kind of place?→department store, d...+阅读


1、I love putting on sth. conventional. I don’t want others to draw attention to me.

Styles: casual, sports, fortable, formal, suits&ties, dress formally during working days, dresses, jeans, bag-jeans, sweaters, lose/ tight T-shirts…

I’m really into…=I go for…over anything else=I like…/I prefer…to…

Trend, fashionable, conservative…, not…, not…either.

2、如何谈论中国传统服装traditional clothing


design(length,size…), color(dark/light), material(silk)


I think my forite type of clothing is Qipao, which is equal to dress in the western culture.

②穿着的场合, formal occasions like wedding, parties, receptions, festivals…

③Qipao e in differenv/tarious colors/sizes/designs(traditional & modern)

④What does a woman look like in Qipao?

Elegant, geous, charming, fascinating…


①Tangzhuang is like suits&ties in weste123

②meetings,...formal occasions.

③serious colors

④reserved, very Chinese(用国家名来做形容词,很地道很形象)

五、English Learning话题

Which part of English learning is the most difficult?

What is the best way to learn…?

The best/only way to do…is to do…/by doing…

Put/use them into contexts, take down notes,

What is the most rewarding thing?

He friends, treling, reading…


learn about…了解

understand them culture/ways of thinking

appreciate them欣赏

broaden my horizons(固定搭配,必须是复数)

can be a very positive experience/transformational experience

Festivals& Holidays话题


1、相当于西方的圣诞节Christmas: The Spring Festival in China is just like your Christmas Day.

2、举行的时间,… is celebrated on 1st day of the Lunar Calendar.

3、期间人们的活动,…is a time for families, loved ones&friends to get together and he a good time/…is a time when people get together and he fun.


⑴ make and eat dumplings

⑵ play fireworks

⑶ visit friends & relatives

5、Children are the most happy ones during the Spring Festival.

They receive red-envelops with money in them





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