

11月15日 编辑 39baobao.com

[小学六年级十二月听课随笔]我非常有幸能够去港区一小听取六年级两位老师的课堂,受益匪浅。在去之前,我稍微了解了一下六年级的教材,新教材和往年相比内容增加了非常多,story time的篇幅也比较长,教授的单词...+阅读

好多学员都问我有关12月份考题的事情,根据我的经验,年底了考官们多不会为难大家,但是题目考察范围可能会比较多样化,比如2005年底分别是动物保护,科研是政府支持还是个体机构支持,建筑实用性比较重要还是美观性比较重要,2006年底一个是建筑改建成传统式样,一个是幸福感的内容问题。这几个题目只有06年最后一个因为概念比较抽象,稍微难一点。但其实如果我们能够联想到family love and happiness,good health(Health is better than wealth ), friendship,sense of achievement,题目还是有很多东西可以涉及的。


1.Nowadays, international tourism is a multibillion dollar industry that supports economic development, but some people think it causes damage to local environment and culture. What is your opinion?

2. People think that the news media he influenced people‘s lives nowadays,which is a negative development of the society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

3.Many people say that we he developed into a “throw-away ”culture,because we are filling up our environment with so many plastic bags and rubbish that we cannot fully dispose of. What are possible reasons and what measures can you remend resolving this problem?

4. Modern buildings are changing the appearance of cities and towns,but some people argue we should build all buildings in traditional styles to protect the cultural identity. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

5.As the modern science and technology devel

ops,some aspects of traditional culture are being lost, so some people think that the traditional culture and technology will be replaced by the modern science and technology such as puter and inter. What is your opinion?

6.Multi-ethnic cultures he more benefits to a country than the problems they bring about. Do you agree or disagree?

7.In recent years,university graduates find it harder to obtain a decent job. Consequently,it is suggested that university teachers should put more emphasis on utilitarian course such as puter, business and so on while focusing less on the traditional basic course such as history,geography and so on. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the suggestion?Give your reasons.

8.In the modern world,the school is being unnecessary for children to study,because they can use inter which has a wider information ailable for children,so that children can study at home instead. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

9.Millions of dollars is spent on space research every year. But some say space research wastes money,and they propose money should be used to improve life standard. What is your opinion?

10. Some people think those who he received higher education deserve higher ine than those who he no university education. Agree or disagree?


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