

02月10日 编辑 39baobao.com

[冰河世纪2英文影评]这里找到几篇,仅供参考 ·The original Ice Age, released in 2002, was an undemanding kid's film: fast, fun and imaginative, it combined old-fashioned cartoon slaps...+阅读

Hello,I am a film critic on the 6th, I think the Ice Age film very good. It taught us to friendship with each other. We have to unite. Well, anything can be overcome.My favorite is the protagonist of a tiger. I would like to learn from the tiger's courage, in the face of Sham Shui Po, the courage to save his own companions. He made me feel deep. I should be brave to overcome difficulties.This is my understanding of the film, thank you. 大家好,我是6号影评,我认为冰河世纪非常好。它教我们互相友爱。我们必须团结起来。那么,什么问题都可以克服。我最喜爱的主角是一只老虎。 我要学习虎的勇气,面对深水 ,勇气拯救自己的同伴。 他让我感受深刻。我要勇于克服困难。这是我对这部电影的认识,谢谢大家。


冰河世纪4观后感冰河世纪4演绎了一个动人的家庭故事...... 松鼠斯科特喜欢吃橡子,不巧,橡子掉进了一个万丈深渊,斯科特也跟着掉了下去,没想到斯科特竟掉到了地核上!地核是圆形的,橡子开始滚动,斯科...

冰河世纪英文观后感八十字The movie was totally funny and the graphics was superb.Especially,Sid the Sloth was the funniest of all and his voice was also funny.My favorite characters wer...

冰河世纪英文观后感冰河时代5观后感 今天,我想看动画片《冰河世纪》。写完作业,我鼓起勇气对妈妈说:“我可以看动画片吗?”“可以”妈妈回答到。我高兴地一蹦三尺高,就像笼子里关了好久的小鸟,突然飞...

冰河世纪1观后感英文初二100词The movie was totally funny and the graphics was superb. Especially, Sid the Sloth was the funniest of all and his voice was also funny. My favorite characters...

冰河世纪英文电影读后感很少这么认真的看一部动画电影,但冰河世纪给了我太多感动。 人类在这部电影里多少扮演着一个残酷的角色,给所有的动物们都带来了痛苦,无论是善良的长毛象曼弗瑞德,还是扮演了大...

冰河世纪4英文观后感"Ice" the set begins with a bird veteran "Cock wire" squirrel Scrat caused by the mainland split, then began a mammoth Manny, saber-toothed tiger Diego, sloth Sid i...

求一篇冰河世纪1英语观后感 100字左右最好有中文对照高一虽然树懒是世界上最懒,动作最慢的动物,可主人公树懒——Sid,可不像他的同类。Sid总是喋喋不休,将他的可爱、风趣、善良、幽默、无惧和无助表现的淋漓尽致,再配上他的肢体语言,你会...

八年级学生写冰河世纪电影观后感英语有中文对照《冰河时代3》的成功是流水生产线的必然结果——观后感 和第二集相比,《冰河时代3》虽然在观赏性上有所提高,但这个系列电影总体质量上还是呈下滑的趋势,希望制作方就此打住,还...

冰河世纪1 2的英文影评 300字英文影评:《冰河世纪》(Ice Age) Digitally animated children's adventure. A hairy mammoth with an Elvis quiff, a sloth with a wise-ass attitude, a dastardly sabre-to...
