

02月10日 编辑 39baobao.com

[动漫电影观后感500或400多字的]乘风而活 文/梦里诗书 宫崎骏,不论怎样的故事,他的作品总能予人一种洞彻心灵的魔力,72岁的他作品从不曾涉及真实的过往,但《起风了》这部被其自已称为“收山”之作的动画,虽然以...+阅读

"Ice" the set begins with a bird veteran "Cock wire" squirrel Scrat caused by the mainland split, then began a mammoth Manny, saber-toothed tiger Diego, sloth Sid iron triangle and their kind are The family set adventure funny journey ... Cock wire squirrel photographed much, but it will be earth-shattering, full of a "engage in engage in the array" guy, its motive is pure, nothing more than just pine cones, never thought of the enormous impact of their behavior, resulting in serious consequences, However when we disdain its behavior practices, and its specificity, adhere to the unremitting down that we can learn, as long as we see this as a family, to society, will naturally have achieved very good results. Mammoth Manny, a big but cautious, loved his family, great play, her daughter, strict management and strict teaching: going out can not go beyond a certain range, is not free to make friends, especially the kind friends of the opposite sex, began her daughter did not understand, then after the ordeal, her daughter understand come to understand that blood is thicker than water and what is true friendship, friends, Manny is also modifications for a sterile woman thinking, in reality, the relationship of parents and children how to handle I think targeted, like father Manny and his daughter may give us much inspiration. Saber-toothed tiger Diego, ferocious despot, the face of pirates led by the nagging wear lip monkeys, without fear that without fear, daring Hendou; However, the White Tiger Girl, second in command of piracy burnouts pitted after Heart unfortunately, gentle side that accentuates, is described as "the hero becomes a prisoner", the white tiger crush abandoned dark from the next; Sloth Sid is, indeed, everyone dubbed "the most stupid and useless" in the name, has been abandoned by their families, but it is very simple and optimistic, gregarious and live comfortably, precisely the most useless key moment will be useful, Most of us are pushovers and do their own is their home, that is, to make contributions to society; ...... Finally, the ultra-sprouting Sid grandmother, because the old, the same as abandoned by their families, dependencies, and Sid (Sid will not abandon their grandmother), the elderly, had happened, even if the inconstancy of human relationships, but the mentality of super- step down when the cover I play: actually the whales when the pet (take a look at, you would dare to raise, only my super Meng grandmother), and finally also done a great save everyone, the elderly, there are many place in the play of their heat ... to support his caring for the elderly 麻烦采纳,谢谢!



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