
求美丽人生英文观后感 120词左右高一水平

01月01日 编辑 39baobao.com


"Life is beautiful",is a film about that brief period of Nazi rule in Italy due to which many ordinary Jewish people had to endure enormous hardships.Although it is a film about Nazism,it is quite different from other films of the Nazi film genre like Schindler's list.It is more of a film about comic romance,laughter,optimism and how to keep one's sanity intact when one finds oneself in a difficult close to death kind of situation. This film ran into trouble as many leading filmmakers protested against what they called "making mockery of a serious issue like holocaust".According to Godard it is hard to believe that life could have been beautiful for anyone in a concentration camp.Life is beautiful is divided into 3 parts:carefree life,period of hardships and a harmless game with a kid.Roberto Benigni and his wife excel in all these parts.It is the star kid Giorgio Cantarini who shines in the last part.In a way,it can be said that the film succeeds because of his innocent behavior with which he carries himself through his entire stay with his father.


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