

03月15日 编辑 39baobao.com

[求c语言实现图形界面c c c语言都可以]那得学习windows编程了。。。用VC6.0新建一个wn32程序,而不DOS程序,输入如下代码即可:#include#include#include#includeint g_nYPos = 200; //文字的Y坐标 long WINAPI WndProc...+阅读

//首先你这个程序有很多低级错误!,而且写得一塌糊涂,如果你是在某本书上看到的,直接可将那本书丢了,这是我的建议。基于你的问题,本人特写程序如下,有注释,认真看应该能看懂!!/*Simo game!,考察记忆力的游戏,提示数字1s,之后要求用户输入答案,并按相应规则计分本程序没有实现真正的计分,而是只用用户的过关数简单代替,因为此程序没有提供提示功能即当用户多次回答错误后,应让用户具有选择提示的选项,这样最终根据用户过关数和提示次数(也可限定提示最大次数)通过某一函数即可达到计分效果*/#include #include #include #include #include #include #define MAX_SIZE (21) /*int的平方最大长度为20*/#define INIT_LENGTH (2) #define INCRE_LENGTH (2)#define MAX_LENGTH (10) #define MAX_RANK (((MAX_LENGTH)-(INIT_LENGTH)) / (INCRE_LENGTH) + 1) /*最大等级,等级从1开始*/int mycmp(const char* src,const char* dest,int* err_bit,int n);int main(void){ int i; int rank = 1; int seed; int length = INIT_LENGTH; char go_continue = 'Y'; char dgt[MAX_SIZE]; char answer[MAX_SIZE]; int err_bit[MAX_SIZE]; int next_rank = 1; //提示信息 printf("Simo game!\n"); printf("remeber prompot's digits,and you have 1s,then the digits will disappear\n"); printf("you should review the digit\n\n"); seed = time(NULL); srand(seed); while((go_continue == 'Y' || go_continue == 'y') && rank <= MAX_RANK) /*rank <= MAX_RANK <=> length <= MAX_LENGTH*/ { memset(err_bit,0,sizeof(err_bit)); if(1 == next_rank) { itoa((int)pow(rand(),2),dgt,10); printf("%.*s",length,dgt); clock_t start = clock(); for(;clock() - start < CLOCKS_PER_SEC;) /*睡眠1s*/ ; for(i = 0; i < length; ++i) printf("\b"); for(i = 0; i < length; ++i) printf("*"); printf("\n"); } scanf("%s",answer); if(mycmp(answer,dgt,err_bit,length) != 0) /*错误答案*/ { for(i = 0; i < length; ++i) if(err_bit[i]) printf("^"); else printf(" "); printf(" ----Error\n"); printf("continue this rank(y/n)?:"); scanf(" %c",&go_continue); /*忽略前导空白符*/ next_rank = 0; } else /*正确答案,通过本关*/ { next_rank = 1; printf("congratulate!,your answer is right!\n"); if(rank < MAX_RANK) { printf("continue next rank(y/n)?:"); scanf(" %c",&go_continue); /*忽略前导空白符*/ } ++rank; length += INCRE_LENGTH; } } if(rank > MAX_RANK) printf("congratulate! you have win all ---- %d ranks\n",rank-1); else printf("you have win %d ranks\n",rank - 1); return 0;}int mycmp(const char* src,const char* dest,int* err_bit,int n){ assert(n <= MAX_SIZE); int resault = 0; for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { err_bit[i] = (src[i] != dest[i]); if(err_bit[i]) resault = 1; } return resault;}



double floor( double x ) { return x>=0||(x-long(x)==0)?long(x):long(x)-1; }

void main() { double y; y = floor( 2.8 ); printf( "The floor of 2.8 is %f\n", y ); y = floor( -2.8 ); printf( "The floor of -2.8 is %f\n", y ); y = floor( -3 ); printf( "The floor of -3 is %f\n", y ); }




int main() //入口函数,固定写法


printf("你好,这是我写的C语言程序!"); //printf是一个函数,意思就是向屏幕输出字符串




int main() //入口函数,固定写法


int a,b;

scanf("%d",&a); //%d表示十进制,scanf是输入一个内容,存储到a。

scanf("%d",&b); //%d表示十进制,scanf是输入一个内容,存储到b。

printf("a+b=%d",a+b); //输出a+b的结果



以下这一段出了问题 for(i=2;i int main(void) { int n,i; printf("please input a number>2:"); scanf("%d",&n); for(i=2;i


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c语言题c语言while(scanf("%c",&c)!=EOF) { fflush(stdin); scanf("%d%d",&a,&b); if(c=='L') { t=max(a,b); printf("%d\n",t); } else if(c=='S') { t=min(a,b); printf("%d\n",t); } else pri...

C语言求栈的简单例子#include"iostream.h" const int maxsize=6; class stack{ float data[maxsize]; int top; public: stack(void); ~stack(void); void push(float a); bool empty(void); floa...

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求C语言入门详细讲解x=f(2);这就是函数 x值为2 int f(int); main() { printf("%d\n",f(3)); 结果为9 } int f(int n); } return n+n+n; //3+3+3 ,return是关键字,意思返回本函数f; } //程序是从上到边...

c语言例子分析#include void main() { char; printf ("%s%c\n","the character is :",ch); } %s代表的就是字符串:"the character is :", 你可以理解为定义一个char *str = "the character is :";...

谁能帮我找一些关于C语言例子程序:#include#include#include#include#define swap(x,y,t) ((t)=(x),(x)=(y),(y)=(t))#define N 30#define C 15#define ok 1#define error 0typedef int status;typedef s...

C语言 C语言 C语言简介C语言 C语言 C语言简介,C语言简介:C是一个结构化语言,它的重点在于算法和数据结构。C程序的设计首要考虑的是如何通过一个过程,对输入(或环境条件)进行运算处理得到输出(或实现过程...
