
观察学习observational learning在外语学习中的作用开题报告怎么写

03月06日 编辑 39baobao.com


Problem that the format of the report (Universal) As the opening title of the report is the text of the papers reflect the overall concept, and therefore do not need too much space, but plans to study how to research, theoretical application of the main issues to make it clear that should include two parts: Overview, outline. 1 Overview The overall problem that the report should make reference to some subjects, and a succinct description of the purpose of selection, the current situation related to the research, theoretical application of research methods, the necessary data and so on. 2 outline Problem that the report contains an outline of the paper can be broad-brush is a study of the basic framework of the concept. May be the whole sentence or the entire piece in outline form. Title in the open stage, outline the purpose is to allow people the basic framework of a clear thesis, it is not necessary, as detailed as the paper catalog. 3 References Problem that the report should include the relevant reference directory 4 request Problem that the report should cover page, the total number of pages should not be less than 4. Layout format should satisfy the following requirements. Open title report Students: First, subjects significance 1, the theoretical significance 2, practical significance Second, papers Summary 1, the theory of origins and evolution 2, Summary of the study abroad 3, domestic research synthesis 4, I summarized the evaluation of the above Third, thesis outline Preface, I. 1, 2, 3, • • • • • • Two, 1, 2, 3, • • • • • • Three, 1, 2, 3, Conclusion Fourth, thesis writing schedule Thesis problem that the report outlines First, open the cover title of the report: thesis topic, branches, professional, grade, name, tutor Second, the meaning and purpose of research at home and abroad Third, the paper the theoretical basis, research methods, research Fourth, study the conditions and possible problems Fifth, the expected results VI schedule



英文题目: 英文题目与中文题目对应。题目的首字母,题目中各单词首字母大写,但以下情况例外:冠词不大写;不满五个字母的虚词(如介词、连词) 不得大写,满五个字母的虚词可大写,也可小写,满七个字母的虚词(如: through)必须大写。

例 The Effect of Classroom Management on High School Academic Achievement

I.(引言) Introduction

各小标题:顶格,Times New Roman, 小四号字,加粗,1.5倍行距;

段落:首行缩进,Times New Roman, 小四号字,1.25倍行距。下同。


Discourse analysis is the attempt by various linguists to extend themethods of analysis for the description of words and sentences to the study oflarger structures in, or involved in the production of, connected discourse. …

As linguistic has become all the more popular in the field of …

1. Topic of the debates

The notion of “topic” is clearly an inquisitively satisfactory wayof describing a strict principle that people have been in obedience with forquite a long time, and this principle makes one stretch of discourse aboutsomething and the next stretch about something else (Brown,1983:76). Hence,it is used very frequently in discourse analysis. …

1.1 Comparison of sentential topic

Sentential topic is associated with the descriptions of sentencestructure. …

1.2 Comparison of discourse topic

Sentential topic is not the traditional topic we usually mean. Therefore,…





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