

02月23日 编辑 39baobao.com

[计算机论文高职学生计算机应用能力培养]高职教育目的是培养具备综合职业能力和全面素质的,直接在生产、服务、 技术和管理第一线工作的应用型人才, 使其既要有专业知识,更要有技术应用 能力。因此职业教育应结合市场...+阅读

1, because the university education forms and the middle school is quite different from the teacher and students in class, the less convenient, frequent communication. Along with the development of the network and popularization, network this huge platform provides us more and more abundant resources. Rely on developed teaching management information system, can strengthen the communication between teachers and students interact, so that the students can get answers to the questions as soon as possible, the teacher know more about students' learning situation. And depend on submit assignments, Shared data, and other functions, improve the teacher teaching and students' learning efficiency. Upon further research and analysis, the main results are as follows: This paper highlights the realization of this system by MyEclipse + + I can with Apache MySQL platform; From the development of the system of requirement analysis, to start writing needs analysis and functional specification, then to draw various functions need to use the database name, after the key primary key respectively established the database; Discusses how to on a web site on the database management, such as visual add user, modify user information, delete a user, add assignments, delete operation; How to use the database corresponding disk of files and how to achieve upload assignments, upload material, download material, and other functions. Also provides a platform for discussion, and can leave a message for the student check mark the best answer. 2, along with the rapid development of the Internet, the application of the Internet more and more attention by people. In the education field, the computer network teaching based on Web broken the traditional teaching mode and the time and space, the regional limits and more fully USES education resources. Therefore, based on Web teaching management information system became education informatization is one of the important research direction. Firstly, this paper introduces the background of system development at home and abroad is summarized. Then this paper highlights the realization of this system by MyEclipse + + I can with Apache MySQL platform; From the development of the system, formulate the demand analysis began to design scheme of the system is given of the whole system, structure, function module partition and database design. According to the system's needs analysis, adopts B/S model development; Database management using MySQL; Web design USES MyEclipse. Then, the system function module are expounded, including user management, operation management, data management, discussed the realization of a message. Based on the Web teaching mode at home and abroad, is increasingly got the attention of people, hope that through this system put into use, meet outside the teachers and the students classroom teaching needs for design other courses, and providing reference and management system.


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