

01月08日 编辑 39baobao.com

[企业并购案的论文选题理由怎么写]“选题理由”大致要叙述如下内容(视字数多少决定展开程度): 一、课题来源(如属导师或本人主持、参加的课题,注明课题名称、来源、起止时间等) 二、选题的国内外研究现状及水平、研...+阅读

With the advent of the knowledge-based economy, such as private high-tech enterprises have sprung up to meet the rise, and rapid development。 Private high-tech enterprise of science and technology innovation as a major force。 at the national and regional economic growth plays a vital role。 However, the private high-tech enterprises with a small scale, risk determines the characteristics of private high-tech enterprises have many inherent deficiencies。

Main features : Firstly, the private high-tech enterprises generally smaller scale, use of raw materials and products output was relatively small, resulting in the production and higher costs; Secondly, As the private high-tech enterprises have limited strength, it is difficult to establish an effective distribution channels; Again, As more managers for the technology, in management philosophy constraints hampering enterprise development is also a major factor。

Due to mergers and acquisitions of enterprises to provide an impetus for continued growth, and mergers and acquisitions will be corporate life cycle of one of the eternal theme, So often merger will give enterprises to maximize long-term returns。 Text is divided into five chapters。 The first part of private enterprises merger synergies the significance of the study, as well as domestic and foreign-related aspects of doing a survey。 Chapter II of the private high-tech enterprises to conduct theoretical defined and proposed merger synergies and funding synergies concept。

Chapter III of private high-tech enterprises to follow on the merger synergies theoretical research results, Merger synergies for the management of synergies, operating synergies, financial synergies, intangibles of synergies and industrial synergies for analysis。 Chapter IV of private high-tech enterprises that merger synergies were the main problem is not properly handled merger synergies with the many external to -。 Chapter V address the problem made some suggestions in order to improve the private high-tech enterprises merger synergies。


企业并购论文初稿怎么写1、懒汉式写法。 如果论文有类似的课题,比如师兄师姐的,可以先找来几篇,一般是4——5篇,粘贴上 然后,将过渡不好的语句修改 加上自己的数据,和实验感想,结论(这个必须自己写,要不就是...

企业并购的风险毕业论文范文怎么写你的论文准备往什么方向写,选题老师审核通过了没,有没有列个大纲让老师看一下写作方向? 希望可以帮到你,有什么不懂的可以问我,下面对论文写作提供一些参考建议仅供参考: 研究问题...
