

12月27日 编辑 39baobao.com

[涉外文秘毕业论文]谈涉外文秘专业跨文化交际能力的培养摘要: 本文以跨文化理论为基础,以实际调查材料为佐证,指出了高职高专涉外文秘专业学生在英语学习中存在的跨文化交际能力缺失的问题并...+阅读

Abstract The rapid development of computer technology to people's daily lives with great changes, the emergence of a significant increase in people's material standard of living and cultural standard of living, with the improvement of people's cultural life, it is not only of this has been passive in-line to meet some of their favorite viewing pictures, but through the form of Flash to picture a very delicate combination of the greatly enhanced appreciation of the value of the picture. Flash is a very good online animation software, it can be music, sound, animation and innovative interface together to produce high-quality animation effects. Produced by its works, graphic and landscape, debauchery and taste, and can be carried out in accordance with their own editing features, you can create a personal animated features.


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毕业论文的摘要该怎么写五、摘要格式(双面打印) 1、中文摘要 中文摘要约1000字左右。应简要说明论文的目的、内容、方法、成果和结论。MBA论文应突出理论与实践的结合点。用句应精炼概括,并有本论文的...


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