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[急需人教版小学四年级8册第四课水上音乐的说课教案]教学目标: 课外听到《水上音乐》时,能说出作品的标题,知道这首作品为德国作曲家亨德尔所作。 教学重点: 1、初步了解《水上音乐》这部作品和作者亨德尔。 2、感受《水上音乐》第...+阅读

小学英语三年级上册全套教案,内容很多,这里无法全部复制,你到我们网站去下载吧 New Standard English Book 4 Module 8 Children's Day Teaching design: In this module , we mainly review the expression of the time ,the use of What are you doing ?and the phrases .We use a clock to review the time. To part two, It' s difficult .We will teach them in different ways , then practice constantly. One Teaching materials: Unit one ,Unit two , Unit three Two Teaching objects Talking about a festival. Three Teaching focal and difficult points present continuous :I'm learning a poem. We're rehearsing a play .It's 25 past 5 . Vocabulary :tomorrow , voice , practise , learn , rehearse Four Teaching tools Recorder , cards Unit 1 Warmer : Repeat the chant from the last lesson two or three times .Ask the children to march as they chant . Activity 1.Listen and point 1\ask the children to look at the page. Elicit as much information about the story as you can in Chinese by asking questions .For example, toy has Daming got? What happens to the kite look like at the end? Answer: jigsaw puzzle. 2. Play the cassette or read the dialogue. The children listen and follow in their books. 3. Play the cassette again , pause after each utterance for the children to point at the corresponding picture .Perform a simple gesture to indicate the meaning,for example, holding onto a kite. 4. Play the cassette again. This time pause for the class to repeat each utterance. Encourage them to mine what they say. 5. Repeat this activity, asking individual Ss to repeat the utterances, Alternatively, divide the class into groups. Two Activity 2.Act it out .

1、 Divide the class into sections. Give each section a role in the conversation .

2、 The whole class acts the dialogue with each group saying the corresponding text.

3、 The children now act out the dialogue in small groups or pairs. Remind them to do actions as they speak. 1)Look and copy the words . Point to the boxed words and ask the class to tell you what they mean.They should be able to do this without too much prompting . Ask the class to read the first line of text to you .Point to the picture to prompt them. Now ask the class to complete the sentence with one of the words in the boxes depending on how of then they play football. Continue this procedure with the remaining pictures. 2)Unjumble the words. Draw the children's attention to the pictures and ask them to unjumble the letters and write them on the lines provided . 3)Look and match Point to the first picture and ask What are they doing ?Answer: They 're rehearsing a play .Then ask What happens tomorrow? Answer :They're doing a play . Say First ,they rehearse a play .Then , they do a play .Ask the class to repeat . Ask the class to draw a line to match the pictures. Ask the class to draw lines to match the remaining pictures . Check the answers . Repeat with the third pair. Now point and say In pairs , the Ss take turns to point to each line of text and say how often they do the activity. Call volunteers to tell you how often they do the different activities .Praise and reward all attempts. Unit 2 Warmer : Play Commands with parts of the body .Say Point to your nose .Point to your ears ,etc. Call Ss to the front of the class to call out the commands. Activity one Listen and repeat .

1、Explain to the class that the first row of pictures show the preparations for Children's Day .The second row of pictures show what is happening on Children's Day.

2、Point to each picture and ask What is he \she doing ?Help them to answer .

3、Play the cassette or say each word。The children point to the corresponding picture 。

4、 Point to the pictures randomly。Say the word。The class repeat 。

5、 Ask individuals to say the words 。Correct any pronunciation mistakes 。

6、 In pairs, the children take turns to point to the pictures and say the words。 Activity two Sing

1、 Draw the children's attention to the pictures in their SB。From the pictures ,try to elicit that it shows children enjoying Children's Day.

2、 Play the cassette .The children listen to the song and follow the words in their books.

3、 Teach the song line by line .

4、 Play the cassette a number of times and encourage the children to sing the song . Draw .Then point and say . Ask the class to draw a picture showing what they usually do on Children's Day. Either set a time limit of 5 minutes or give this part of the activity as homework. Ask individual children to hold up their drawings .Ask What so you usually so on Children's Day? Encourage them to answer . When the children are answering well, ask them to continue this activity in pairs. Summary: ...


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