

01月04日 编辑 39baobao.com

[怎么在ppt中打英语音标]在ppt中打英语音标操作如下: (1)在网上搜索字体文件“Ipapannew,ttf”(这是国际音标的字体),并且下载下来。 (2)将字体文件粘贴到C:\Windows\Fonts,即可实现字体的安装。 (3)在PPT中插...+阅读

仁爱英语七年级下册全套教案,共233页,这里无法全部复制,你到我们网站去下载吧 七年级(下)教案 张友川 中学英语一级 Unit 5 一 、教学目标

(一)语言知识 语音 /t/ /d/ /ts/ /dz/ /tr/ /dr/ /l/ /m/ /n/ 词汇 掌握wake,early,first,day,term,must,still,by,on foot,the same to,usually,always,Ms.,boat,ship,sea,train,by plane/air/airplane, etc. 理解 Subway Worm reporter,Net Bar,roller skating Measure dining hall,dormitory bookstore,etc.

(二)语法 1.一般现在时(Simple present) 2.频度副词(Adverbs of frequency)never, seldom, sometimes, often, usually, always, once, twice 3.现在进行时(Present continuous) I'm looking for a book. Are you doing your homework?Yes, I am./No, Im not. Is he/she...?Yes, he/she is./No, he/she isn't. What are you doing now?I'm playing computer games. What is he/she doing?He/She is... 4.谈论交通方式(Talking about means of transport) How do you usually go to school? I usually go to school by bike.

(三)功能用语与话题 1.采访(Interviews)Our guest today is Michael from Class 2, Grade 1. 2.谈论日常生活(Talking about routines) 3.学校建筑(School buildings)swimming pool, playground, library, dormitory, lab, canteen, gym 4.谈论兴趣喜好(Talking about interests, likes and dislikes)I like the swimming pool best. Why do you like English? Because it's interesting and easy. 5.借物(Borrowing things)How long can I keep it? Two weeks. 6.新闻(News)、海报(Poster)Attention, please! Here is the news. 7.谈论学校活动、科目和时间表(Talking about school activities, subjects and timetable) 8.谈论学校生活(Talking about school life)

(四)能力培养 听 能听懂谈论校园生活中比较熟悉的话题,识别主题,获取主要信息。 说 1ر能根据提示词说出意思连贯的校园生活的句子。 2ر能用简单对话描述校园生活。 3ر能根据图片或借助他人帮助描述自己或他人的校园生活。 4ر能与他人合作进行角色扮演,表现校园生活。 读 1ر能理解简单的书面表达。 2ر能准确地朗读课文。 3 能读懂表现校园生活方面的文章,包括校园新闻、海报、遗失声明、失物招领等。 写 能写出表现校园生活方面的简单句子。能写出简单的校园新闻、海报、遗失声明、失物招领等。 情感态度 培养学生积极向上的情感、活泼开朗的个性、浓厚的学习兴趣和大胆实践的精神,提高学习效率,培养学生热爱学校生活,乐于学校生活的意识。 学习策略 积极探索适合自己的英语学习方法,利用现实生活中的学习资源,培养任务型学习方法与技巧。 二、教材分析 本单元的交际用语主要是围绕学生的学校生活展开的,谈论学生的上学方式、作息时间、课程安排、业余生活等内容,这些内容为学生所熟悉,便于展开讨论。 本单元的语法内容主要是学习一般现在时、现在进行时以及表示频度的副词。W w w .xkb 1.co m Topic 1 Section A 教学目标: 1.谈论交通工具及如何上学。 2.学习句型:How do you usually come to school? I usually come to school by subway. 本课重点1a和3a。 难点:谈论交通工具及如何上学。 教具 录音机 五指教学方案 课时建议:1~2 教学过程: 第一步:复习 1.教学生如何在开学的第一天相互问候。 T: Good morning, class! S: Good morning, Miss.../Mr... T: Nice to see you again! S: Nice to see you, too. 学习问候语: T: Happy New Year! S: The same to you. 然后老师说:Boys and girls.Today is the first day of our new term. 解释today, new term。 老师说:I often come to school by bus. My son often takes the subway to school. What about you? 学习词组by bus, take the subway。 Notes: subway(AmE)=underground(BrE) 2. 听录音3a,回答问题:

(1)How does Kangkang usually come to school? (2)How does Sally always come to school? 两人一组作对话,然后请3~4对同学到前面表演对话。(对参加表演的同学给予鼓励。)完成3b。 第二步:呈现 1.老师向一些同学依次展示并学习词组:wake up, get up, go to school, by bike等,然后做动作练习。要一名同学在前作动作,其余同学猜测词组。 2.听录音1,回答问题: What's the time? / Is it time to get up? Who wakes Kangkang up? 完成1。 3.利用图画,完成2。 4.听录音4,完成4。 第三步:巩固 1.放录音1和3a,学生跟读。 2.学生两人一组表演1和3a。 第四步:练习 1.分组活动,谈论自己早晨的活动情况。 2.双人活动,分别用不同的交通工具图片进行问答: A:How do you usually come to school? B:I usually come to school... 例如:on foot, by bike, by bus, by car, by train, by


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