

03月04日 编辑 39baobao.com

[一张难忘的照片作文]每当我翻开房间里的那本相册时,小时候的趣事一遍又一遍地在我脑海里浮现。其中一张背后的故事令我至今记忆犹新。 那张照片记录的是我和一只小鸽子的故事。有一次,我在草丛旁...+阅读

Look at the picture.It is the picture of my family, we are having dinner, and it is really a delicious meal.On the left of the picture, it is my mother and the man next to her is my dad, and I think they are the best couple in the world. In the middle of the picture is my grandma and my grandpa,they are very kind and loving. And the one who is the youngest is me. Am I lovely?


This picture is showing how pretty the sunrise is.

In the foreground, there is this relatively large tree blocking part of the sun and it's rays.

With the reflection of the sunlight upon the grass, the lawn is golden.

In the background, one can see faintly roads on the hills.

On the hills, some trees are scattered across the top of the hills and on the bottom.

During twilight, the sun's rays colored the sky into gold, vanilla and orange.

The sky is clear with a few clouds.

With the combination of the tree, hills and clear sky, it is a picture to awe many people.

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The picture illustrated that a young man is applying for jobs. After waiting for a period of times, one of the companies he is applying gets interested in him and asks him to have an interview. However, the ecstatic man has overslept so he has to rush out of his home and get a taxi cab immediately. By the time he arrives at the place where he will have his interview, he has been late for half an hour!


After an old couple checked in at a hotel, the lady who checked them in notices that it is the old lady's birthday today. After discussing with her colleagues, they decided to surprise the old couples. While the couples were enjoying their romantic supper, the employees surprisingly come to them, giving them a birthday cake, and wishing the old lady happy birthday.


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