

04月03日 编辑 39baobao.com

[万圣节祝福语万圣节中英文搞笑短信集锦]英文篇: 1.You never know what might happen on Halloween. Wait until dark for some spooky surprises. The creatures of the night are waiting. To my dear pal, he a...+阅读

万圣节party节目单 【出场序】 第一组:罗芮缇、蔡凤仙、胡嘉玲、戴晓恩、林禹圣 剧目:狂欢万圣节 第二组:罗煜翔、罗仕翰、林秉翰、潘建杰、潘智豪、谢延恩 剧目:搞笑鬼片—新之助版 第三组:侯书旻、吕家萍、许柏龄、张祖仪、林亚绮 剧目:不给糖就捣蛋 第四组:田謦瑜、郑以欣、石家旻、张宴菁、蔡筱竹 剧目:惊吓的夜晚 第五组:陈元文、雷远强、古芷伶、吴项颖、曾志森 剧目:鬼城市 评分表(每项10分,满分50分) 第一组:狂欢万圣节 创意 剧本内容 道具布置 台风 团结度 第二组:搞笑鬼片—新之助版 创意 剧本内容 道具布置 台风 团结度 第三组:不给糖就捣蛋 创意 剧本内容 道具布置 台风 团结度 第四组:惊吓的夜晚 创意 剧本内容 道具布置 台风 团结度 第五组:鬼城市 创意 剧本内容 道具布置 台风 团结度 评分者签名:


童梦奇缘 小艾是小千的妹妹,她们很要好,整天形影不离.有一天,爸爸和妈妈出远门去了,要到后天才能回来,他们嘱咐姐妹俩照顾好自己.爸爸妈妈走后一小时,“丁冬”,门铃响了,有个邮递员送来一封信,是她们一个远房表叔寄来的,信中写到他会在中午到她们家来做客,有事要谈.小艾说到:“叔叔要来,我们总应该要准备一下吧.” 小千点了点头,说道:“是啊,爸爸妈妈不在,我们应该去买点菜,自己招待下叔叔”.姐妹俩拿了钱准备去菜场.“丁零零”电话响了,原来是小艾的同学小林,她听说小艾要去买菜,特地提醒她,小林告诉小艾:菜场门口的两家店,一家是好的,一家是坏的.千万要小心. 于是,小艾和小千出门了.到了菜场门口,果然有两家小店.第一家小店的店主是位老公公,他很温和,还拿出了一个小盒子,让她们摸卡,结果她们摸中了十元现金.她俩走到了第二家店门口.唉!人总是有好奇心的嘛!小艾和小千早把小林的话抛到九霄云外去了.她们径直走向了第二家店,走到门口,小千对小艾说,“捂上鼻子,小心里面有烟雾弹!”这家店的店主是个老婆婆,她凶神恶煞地说,“来抽奖吧”.与此同时,小艾发现老婆婆的手正向自己伸来,她飞快地跑出屋子,对着屋里大喊:“姐姐,快出来!”可为时已晚,小千已经被巫婆捉住了.巫婆把小千捆了起来,就出去了,这时躲在附近的小艾立刻冲进屋子,帮姐姐解开绳子,俩人一起往外跑,可是被巫婆发现了,巫婆在她们身后紧追不已.由于,小千是短跑冠军,她拉着妹妹跑得特别快.而巫婆因为矮胖的缘故,跑得很吃力,也很慢.小千拉着小艾跑进了居民楼.躲在了里面.可她们等了很久,老巫婆还是没有追来,她们决定出去探个究竟. 但她们没走几步路,老巫婆就发现了她们,立即向她们追去.姐妹俩发现巫婆在身后追着也立刻飞奔起来,跑着跑着,小艾发现巫婆身后有许多泥巴跟着她一块儿跑着,觉得很奇怪,但顾不了这么多了,逃命要紧啊!可奇怪得是,小艾像中了魔法似的,越跑越慢, 越跑越慢.怎么办?眼看,巫婆就要追上了,小千急中生智,说“快,我们用石头扔她.”说完,就捡起石头向她扔去,一顿猛砸.可喜的是,巫婆每被砸中一次,就不能前进. 突然,天空中“轰”的一声巨响,整个世界都变了!小艾发现自己变成了一个金发女孩,而原来死一般寂静的小街也变得十分热闹繁华.巫婆和姐姐都不见了.这时一个小男孩跑来对她说:“谢谢姐姐,是你救了我们!”原来,他们都受了巫婆的控制,变成了一团团泥巴.这样一来,是小艾和小千救了大家.小艾告别了他们,去找姐姐了.她走了一会儿,发现一个绿发女孩正拉着一个老人向自己走来.小艾定睛一看,那个老人正是巫婆,那个绿发女孩也正是姐姐小千.于是小艾迎上去说:“姐姐,这就是刚才害人的巫婆!我们把她制服拉,耶!”小千也认出了妹妹.姐妹俩高兴及了,击掌庆贺,沉浸在快乐之中. “丁零零”, “喂”.小艾很不情愿的拿起电话,“找谁?”“都几点了,还睡,快起床!!” 唉!原来这都是梦啊!小艾想:要是我晚点醒来就好了!


第一幕 [color=#FFFFFF]本文转自 .coffbar.com, .coffbar.com 小品剧本,个人简历 简历封面[/color] 时间:早上6∶00多钟 人物:我、小A 地点:大街上 小A一大早便把我从被窝中拖出去跑步,大街上人还不多,我们俩相伴而跑。 小A:“这次体考,我一定要拿满分。” 我(疑惑的看了他一眼):“真的?” 小A(胸有成竹):“一定会的。” 小A飞快的往前跑,把我抛在了后面。 画外音:小A如此有信心,作为朋友的我当然高兴,但不知他会不会坚持下去?第二幕 时间:星期六的早上8∶00钟。 人物:A、我 地点:小A家里 小A(垂头丧气):“唉,模拟体考我才得了16分,连及格线都不到。” 我(鼓励道):“不要灰心嘛,加油就是。” 小A伤心的摇着头 小A(突然想起什么似的,很高兴):“有了,我不参加体考了。

” 我(不敢相信自己的耳朵):“什么!?” 小A(解释道):“反正我模拟体考也只捞了16分,真正体考时也多不了几分,还不如在其它科目上下功夫,多得分,你说呢?” 我(若有所思的点头):“也许,这样做还不错。” 小A(高兴极了):“这是我的起点,我会努力的(拉着我的手)走,帮我复习去。” 我帮小A从早上9∶00钟复习到晚上8∶00钟,小A不停的题,我不停的给他,看样子,他真要从起点出发了! 画外音:小A找到了自己的起点,令人可喜可贺,但不知道他还会不会像上次那样呢?第三幕 时间:晚上11∶00 人物:小A、我、小A妈妈 地点:小A的房里 帮小A复习了2个多星期了,再过1个多月就该中考了 小A(低着头):“这次失误了。” 小A妈妈(生气的指着卷子):“失误!你瞧瞧,你那可怜的38分哟!” 我(接过卷子看):“不要灰心,也许你的学习方法没有掌握好呢?” 小A的妈妈气鼓鼓的走出书房,一路走一路骂 小A(唉叹道):“我不是学习的料。

” 小A想起了什么似的,从包里翻出一张纸,上面印有:艺体特长可加分 小A(哀求似的看着我):“瞧,这儿写着艺体特长可加分呢,你不是钢琴已到了8级,教教我吧。” 我:“你不是有了起点吗?怎么又改了!” 小A:“起点也会变的,求你了。(美滋滋的说)如果我钢琴能练到十级,也许会加不少的。” 我经不起小A的恳求,最终答应了。 画外音:“小A又改起点了,这次学琴又会怎样呢?第四幕 时间:晚上12∶00钟 人物:小A,我 地点:我家钢琴室 小A(烦躁的乱按了一通琴键):“学琴怎么这么难,我天天苦练到12∶00钟,却还哆啦咪。” 我(耐心劝导):“学琴的人都是这样过来的。” 小A(看了看琴谱):“我不是学琴的料,原以为学琴比学习好玩,哪知这么难(顿了一)这样吧,你教我学设计,我知道你会的,将来我考不上高中,就可以靠这门手艺填饱肚子了” 我(吃惊极了):“怎么又学设计了?” 小A(无所谓):“不是说了吗,起点会变的,不总是固定的。

” 我听了差点没有晕过去,小A又改起点了! 画外音:小A不停的想立起点又不停的改,他像一只旋转的木马,从起点又轮回到起点,永远只在那一团打转,没有向前进。我们一定不要做像小A一样的木马!———幕落·剧终[col


Mother: Look, Qiu caught a lot of fish again, and he will enjoy the delicious fish today, when can we drink soup? What a good guy he is!Father: What? Fishing? I can catch more than 100 fish a day if I go fishing tomorrow. You will enjoy the fish next evening.Old woman: How many? More than 100, I never heard of that a fisher can get 100 fish in only one day. You are boasting. Fishing needs skills, Qiu has been fishing for many years, It's not easy.Father: My dear, prepare a pancake and find a big size tuck net for me, please!Mother: What's up? Father: I will go fishing tomorrow. Pancake is my lunch, and the tuck net is to hold the fish I catch.Mother: OK.The next day, Xiaoming's father went fishing happily in the morning and came back depressingly very later with the empty tuck net. Mother: My dear, how many fish did you catch?Father: Don't mention it! , a flock of fish had swum away when I got there, so I get nothing.Old woman: Haha, I'm sure that you can't catch one fish, don't boast any more.Father: This flock of fish has gone, but I heard that there will come another flock of fish tomorrow. Xiaoming's mother, prepare two pancakes for me, please!The second day, Xiaoming's father got up very early and went out with two pancakes. As you can know:Mother: How is fishing?Father: Don't mention it, again! Nothing, today, I got there very early and encountered a lot of fish, but when I was fishing a group of children jumped into water and amused themselves in the river, so the fish was scared away.Old woman: Don't find any excuses. It's true that you didn't catch even one fish.Father: How can you say that? I'll show you plenty of fish tomorrow. If I can't, I will move my house and won't live here anymore! Xiaoming's mother, prepare 3 pancakes for me! And I heard that there is another flock of salted hairtail in the river.Old woman: Oh, my God. Is there any salted hairtail in the river? Unbelievable!The 3rd day, Xiaoming's father got up a bit of late, but he looks very confident. He left the old quadrangle, and went to food market straightly.Young fishmonger: Fish! Fish! Very big and fresh fish! It's very cheap and delicious! Come here, guys! Oh, Jesus! Why do you hold a fishing rod and come to the fish market?Father: How much is it? Young fishmonger: Only one point one yuan per jin. Father: How about one yuan per jin? Young fishmonger: Let me think. OK. Father: Give me 4 jin. Be sure that each fish is alive.Young fishmonger: Don't worry about it. I will do.The fishmonger weighed 4.1 jin fish and gave to Xiaoming's father.Father: Is it 4 jin?Young fishmonger: Look, it's close to 4.1 jin. Father: Oh? Give me one more fish.Xiaoming's father snatched a fish himself and put it into the tuck net. Then, he carried the fish and went back home. When he entered the quadrangle, he yelled:Father: Xiaoming's mother, come out and take out a large wood basin. I have caught so many fish.Mother: You're a great fisherman! He put all the fish in the basin. All his neighbors came to congratulated him. But, the old woman discovered one strange thing.Old woman: Xiaoming's father is so skillful. I have a question to ask you. Why all the fish are in the same size. Have you bought them?Father: What? How can you say that? We have lived together for long years. I can't bear you anymore….Mother: It's your fault, my dear granny. Xiaoming's father really did a great job, he had caught more than 2 jin fish…… Father: What you have said? Only 2 jin? It's more than 4 jin, if you didn't believe me you can ask the fishmonger. The fishmonger also gave me another fish after weighing.


万圣节祝福语中英万圣节搞笑短信集锦【英文篇】 1.You never know what might happen on Halloween. Wait until dark for some spooky surprises. The creatures of the night are waiting. To my dear pal, h...

万圣节的由来英文版!急!急!急!Halloween, is an international holiday celebrated on October 31. Halloween activities include trick-or-treating, ghost tours, bonfires, costume parties, visitin...

万圣节的由来中英文结合版While there are many versions of the origins and old customs of Halloween, some remain consistent by all accounts. Different cultures view Holloween somewhat di...

万圣节的由来英文版有中文翻译短的!!急!Halloween is a holiday celebrated on October 31. By tradition, Halloween begins after sunset. Long ago, people believed that witches gathered together and ghost...

关于万圣节的顺口溜英文万圣节顺口溜= Halloween Doggerel : "We're kind of old But still polite! We visit you This rainy night. Although you laugh At this funny scene, We wish you happy...

关于万圣节的介绍英文Halloween (IPA pronunciation: [hælə'win], [hælo'win]) is an observance celebrated on the night of October 31, most notably by children dressing in costumes a...


万圣节的由来英文版急急急Halloween culture can be traced back to the Druids, a Celticculture in Ireland, Britain and Northern Europe. Roots lay in thefeast of Samhain, which was annuall...

有没有什么好玩的万圣节party主题万圣节免费儿童的狂欢节 一、活动目的: 通过家长和孩子一起参加万圣节活动;增进家长、学员与培训中心之间的互动。孩子在这个活动中,可以知道什么是万圣节,通过打鬼小游戏,让孩子...
