
蛇年圣诞节英语祝福语wish you happy " eggs "!

10月18日 编辑 39baobao.com

[2014元宵节祝福语大全祝愿你元宵快乐最永久]正月十五到,送你一束鲜花:热情玫瑰,祝你双双对对;优雅玉兰,祝你消灾无难;清幽茉莉,祝你万事胜意;忘忧雏菊,祝你吉庆有余;富贵牡丹,祝你红红火火! 正月十五,元宵在线。汤圆一碗,胜似神...+阅读

A, I had a dream yesterday, dream Santa Claus to launch the missile, it says " happy "; to you throw bombs, says " happy "; there are too many to count the words " Christmas wish " bullet, you will he to be very careful.

Two, how to please adults and children were like? It's Fairy simple. Tomorrow you dressed up as Santa Claus, see the child send gifts. From early to late. You see see flowers bloom. Don't you call me. Wish to 2012 happy christmas!

In three, said too much, easy to make mistakes; eat too much, obesity followed; to too much, others sad; remember to pay, do not mean; information sending, sowing happiness; wish you peace, happy christmas.

Four, I want to be in Brazil St Paul ITU Christmas tree ( the world's highest Christmas tree, 84 meters) before make my wish, wish you happiness, wish you peace, bless your life road to open and flat, merry christmas!

Five, happy dancing happy carnival, now dance together. Deep breathing shook his head, get rid of worries and sorrows. God is with us, and we're together happy. Short message transfer all corners of the country, all together! Merry Christmas!

In six, small fart child, want more gifts? Teach you a trick, a month does not wash the socks, then on Christmas Eve put their stockings at the bedside, Santa Claus send you a gift when you are smoked halo, so he pocket gift will belong to you. Hehe, merry christmas.

In seven, bell has sounded, my blessing ahead of its debut, not geous sentences, without the valuable ornament, only the true self in the silent night and for you I pray, wish you peace and all is well.

Eight, and not offend you! His face was as red one? Eyes stared with small round bean like! Know that you do too seriously, not allow others to invade your privacy, and also to sing. It will not bother you, wish you happy " eggs "!

In nine, the Christmas tree, decorated with my wishes; candlelight, swaying my tho


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