

02月05日 编辑 39baobao.com

[作文:我的节日记忆春节]我的节日记忆——春节 过年的声音,过年的味道,那是再熟悉不过的了。那鞭炮的声音,那饺子的味道,深深的吸引着我。 “砰砰砰”!一阵阵响亮的爆竹声夹杂着人们的欢呼声,一朵朵五彩缤...+阅读



耳畔传来了纯洁甜美的童声:When Christmas Comes To Town

La la la la ...

I'm wishing on a star

And trying to believe

That even though it's far

He'll find me at Christmas Eve

I guess Santa is busy

Cause he never comes around

I think of him when Christmas comes to town

The best time of the year

When everyone comes home

With all this Christmas tear

It's hard to be alone

Putting up the Christmas tree

With friends you come around

It's so much fun when Christmas comes to town

Presents for the children wrapped in red and green

All the things I've heard about, but never really see

No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve

Hoping Santa's on his way

Presents for the children wrapped in red and green

All the things I've heard about, but never really see

No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve

Hoping Santa's on his way

When Santa's sleigh bells ring

I listen all around

The herald angels sing

I never hear a sound

And all the dreams of children

Once lies will all be found

That's all I want when Christmas comes to town

That's all I want when Christmas comes to town


用英语说节日和日期January 1 New Year' Day 元旦1st day of 1st lunar month (正月初一) Chinese New Year (Spring Festival)(春节) 15th day of 1st lunar month (正月十五) Lantern Festival (元...

重阳节后有什么节日春节(农历正月初一) the Sprlng Festival ( NewYearls Day of the Chinese lunar calendar) 元宵节(灯节,农历正月十五) the Lantern Festival 清明节(四月五日前后) the Qing Ming...

十月过后中外有些什么节日11月1日 万圣节11月8日 中国记者节11月9日 中国消防宣传日11月10日 世界青年节11月12日 孙中山诞辰纪念日11月14日 世界糖尿病日11月17日 国际大学生节11月21日 世界电视日1...

端午节节日风俗故事话库的读后感怎么写是小学生初学作文吗?教你一个提纲,你可以按照这个提纲来写: 第一自然段:写自己读到一个什么很有意义的风俗故事。(一两句话,二三十个字就够了。) 第二自然段:简单讲述一下这个故事的...


七夕是指什么节日七夕是我国传统的情人节,指每年的农历七月初七。 节日简介: 七夕节,又名乞巧节、七巧节或七姐诞,是流行于中国与汉字文化圈诸国的传统文化节日,相传农历七月七日夜或七月六日夜妇...



适合节日合唱的励志歌曲十大经典励志歌曲 1、五月天 《倔强》当我和世界不一样那就让我不一样 坚持对我来说就是以刚克刚 我如果对自己不行如果对自己说谎 即使你不原谅我也不能原谅 最美的愿望一...
