

01月26日 编辑 39baobao.com


1, please do not garbage sewage 2, no fighting swearing dou Europe 3, everyone polite, all love the school 4, good good study, day day up 7, please consciously abide by the discipline 8, please keep indoor sanitation 10, do not littering rubbish 11, please speak mandarin 14, fluctuation stair not keep right noise 16, have good manners 17, please keep quiet 18, civilized speak hygiene is everybody's business 19, please take good care of public health 20, love flowers and trees to beautify the campus 21, please do not write 568 22 love flowers and trees 23 please speak politely 24 don't spit 25, reading improve quality 26 not jumping about running the corridor 27 please save water 29 consciously abide by the classroom routines 31 please use civilized courtesy 32 keep the room clean sanitation 34 hello sorry thanks. Bye 35 bicycle parking 38 everyone to research method knowing law-abiding dharma 39 mind beautiful language beauty behavior beauty environmental beauty 40 do not smoking 41 male toilet 42 female toilets 43 protect public property 44 please don't put sundry and threw it into slot 46 living simple don't pick with food and clothing 47 protective flowers and trees is everybody's business 48 environmental health is everybody's business 49 self-conscious health habits formed 50 please keep indoor and outdoor environment clean and tidy 51 have moral ideals have culture have discipline 52 love flowers and trees do not unscrupulous 53 everyone speak hygiene all love clean 54 all hands improve health 55 before the rice then empress to wash your hands 57 popularization civilization terminology advocate to be polite 60 exquisite sanitation clean 61, unity and progress strive for school 62 speak hygiene glorious speak hygiene not ashamed 63 school is my home cleaning depends on everybody 64 queuing well quick static neat



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