

02月22日 编辑 39baobao.com


The autumn is a leaf of front door, has not paid attention while the people, is opened quietly by the fall girl.

the fall girl is the magician who the heaven sends, she can let the people when this season experience she that mysterious charm. In order to demonstrate that her charm, she has blown the one breath gently, all gave the earth color changed: The field turned the golden color, looked! The shining wheat ear waves with the wind, looks like a piece of golden color really the sea. Farmer uncle wipes the face the beads of sweat, have revealed the happy smile. The gingko tree turned the yellow, Huang Huang the small leaf has looked like one small fan, that was helping us to expel the summer burning hot! Has given the Chinese sweet gum red, looks! A red maple leaf multi-elephant bright five pointed star. The orange red is much lovable! It is for the fruit tree. The orange hangs all over the branch, likely each one golden color small sun. Apple Le Hong


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