[垃圾分类倡议书垃圾分类建议书作文500字五篇]垃圾分类倡议书 (一) 全体新老市民朋友: 大家好! 弹指一挥间,我们五人已在字里行间陪伴大家度过了21天时光。我们通过宁波日报、中国宁波网、甬派客户端联合推出的21天习惯养...+阅读
注意: 1. 词数:100左右; 2. 内容可适当发挥,注意行文连贯; 3. 参考词汇: 垃圾分类 rubbish classificationOne possible version: Society produces a lot of rubbish, such as leftover food, waste paper, plastic bottles and batteries every day. It has become a big headache in every city. How to solve this problem? I think rubbish classification is a good way of dealing with it. Firstly, rubbish classification can reduce the amount of rubbish and the rubbish pollution to the environment. What is more, it can recycle resources, which will do good to our environmental protection. Since rubbish classification has so many advantages, our government should take effective measures and immediate actions. Different dustbins should be placed in public places so that residents can leave their sorted rubbish in them.
垃圾分类倡议书关于垃圾分类倡议书作文600字垃圾分类倡议书 (一) 亲爱的朋友们: 城市生活垃圾分类收集,关系到城市的文明程度和城市形象,是城市生态环境建设最基础的工作。在垃圾成分中,金属、纸类、塑料、玻璃被视为可直...
关于垃圾分类倡议书“垃圾分类,从我做起”倡议书作文垃圾分类倡议书 (一) 亲爱的老师们、同学们: 你们好! 第一位踏上月亮的宇航员俯瞰地球曾感慨:多么美丽,可爱的星球啊!而今,话语不在耳畔回响,再看我们可爱的家园现在的面貌:土...
垃圾分类倡议书500字垃圾分类作文大全5篇垃圾分类倡议书 (一) 亲爱的老师,同学们: 早上好。 我是来自首医附中初一年级的李冰儿,很高兴能和大家分享我对环保的一些见解和做法。今天我演讲的题目是垃圾分类让我们的家...
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