

02月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[关于礼仪的英语文章]Manners are important to happy relations among people. No one likes a person with bad manners. Good manners mean good behaviors in social communication. A perso...+阅读

I think the human brain would have like a little empty attic, and you have a choice to put such furniture. 只有傻瓜才会把他碰到的各种各样的破烂杂碎一古脑儿装进去。 Only a fool would put all kinds of junk that he encountered an ancient brain child offal loaded into it. 这样一来,那些对他有用的知识反而被挤了出来;或者,最多不过是和许多其他的东西掺杂在一起。 As a result, those who pushed him instead of useful knowledge out; or, at best, and many other things that doping together. 因此,在取用的时候也就感到困难了。

Therefore, when access was also difficult. 所以一个会工作的人,在他选择要把一些东西装进他的那间小阁楼似的头脑中去的时候,他确实是非常仔细小心的。 Therefore, the work of a man, he chose to put some things in the packed his attic like mind to, he is very careful indeed. 除了工作中有用的工具以外,他什么也不带进去,而这些工具又样样具备,有条有理。 Useful tool in addition to outside work, He does not take into account, but these tools and everything in place, orderly. 如果认为这间小阁楼的墙壁富有弹性,可以任意伸缩,那就错了。

If you think that little room has elastic walls and can any stretch, you're wrong. 请相信我的话,总有一天,当你增加新知识的时候,你就会把以前所熟习的东西忘了。 Please believe me, someday, when you add new knowledge, you will be familiar to something previously forgotten. 所以最要紧的是,不要让一些无用的知识把有用的挤出去。 Therefore, the most important thing is, not to have useless facts elbowing out the useful. 《血字的研究》 "A Study in Scarlet"


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