

02月21日 编辑 39baobao.com

[谁知道关于新学期打算的作文800字左右]新年过去,寒假马上就要结束了。我们将以新的精神面貌跨进新的学期。 新的学期,是我们四年级最后一个学期。在这个学期里,我要百尺竿头,更进一步。 首先,上课的时候,我要认真听讲,不...+阅读

How time flies!It is the time for me to go to school again,I want to make full use of my study time so I write down my plans. first,I must finish my homework on time ,it is necessary for me to do my homework on time ,becuse this team we may have a lot of homework .second,I want to read some books to width my eyes,at the same time ,resding books bring me happiness and joy.third,I want to do some excise,it is important for me to keep heathy,so every weekday I will go togeter with my classmates playing basketball.last but not the least,I plan to help my mom to do some hosework . in a word,I will study hard and work hard,just to fullfill my plan and get a good reslut.


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