

02月20日 编辑 39baobao.com

[急求一篇关于礼貌的英语短文]The civilization manner, is a citizen society public life important moral standard, is the human and the human the speech act criterion which associates in the...+阅读


While enjoying my winter holiday,I am also thinking about my plan of new term.

For a student in Grade 2 in a jenior high school,time is everything.You see,next year,on June7,8,9,we have to take,maybe a most important challenge ,in our life.If we want to get a good mark and enter a dreamy senior school,we must do our best.So I make my plan in order that my dream will come true.

Perhaps the first thing I should do is to impove my English.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart ,yeah?!I will recite words I have learnt before,esp. master the meanings of each word.10 words a day maybe a good choice.So long as I carry on it,I will succeed.

Becides,I must do more exercises on each subject so as to get rid of the mistakes I made.

I believe I will grow up with improvement as I keep my word.I say to myself,CHAT LESS,DO MORE!



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