
the power of smiles英语作文求学霸指点!

02月20日 编辑 39baobao.com

[三年级英语作文The rabbit and the wolf]Mummy rabbit wants to go shopping. 兔妈妈要去买东西了。 She tells her babies. 她告诉她的兔宝宝们: You must at home. Close the door.Close the window,Remember? “...+阅读

My first experience of surfing the internetI still remember clearly about the first time I surfed the intenet. I was asked to search some information through the internet by my teacher. So I had to go to the Internet Cafe. I just spent a couple of minutes to get those stuff and it was a little bit too early to go home. Then I tried to play the game that my classmates always mentioned. It was also my first try. The game was amazing and intersting for me.I was addicted completed to the game so that I forgot the time. When I got home,I was scolded by my mother and I've never gone to the Internet Cafe since then...


六年级英语作文The cat and the mouseone day, cat is in the basket. it's very lazy. it is sleeping. now the cat's food is beside the cat. one mouse is very hungry. it is eating the cat's food. the...

The night of the lantern英语作文600字【参考译文】:今天,是元宵节,我们都看着一朵花到月球,但花烟花。 月亮是圆的,像一个大的饭团,放在大的KB的天空。月色朦胧,因为月亮女孩羞涩的面纱。 空气,烟花绽放,多姿多彩的风景真...

英语作文 The Great WallThe Great Wall Do you know which building is the greatest in China? I think it is the Great Wall. It is about 6000 kilometers long. The width of the Great Wall...

高分求改托福作文估计分数:同不同意Always telling the truth is the草草看了下 16-18 句型变化太少 从句过于复杂难懂 结构衔接不流畅(从来没说诚实好。。。) 结尾总结不够有力 。。。 总之很中国化,或。。。很模板化。。。 题中有2个关键词是"al...

the Internet作文t like it,Chinese or English.They don',it has many games.But some students play game long time ago. I like Internet,because I have many thing in it. I like Inte...

The Internet的作文初二more and more people are interested in the Internet. Using the Internet, students are able to get the latest information from literature to sports. Students can...

the internet英语作文初二展开全部 Advantages and Disadvantages Of the Internet I think it is not all bad for millde school student to search the Internet.Some students play games on lin...

初二英语作文 the InternetInternet is very helpful for us, it is very convenient for collecting information. The Internet makes it easy to build social connections. we can read news and...

一篇英文作文:The InternetThe Internet The Intemet was first established in 1960s. At that time, the computer was both large and expensive and the networks were unable to work well. If o...
