

02月20日 编辑 39baobao.com

[帮忙找一篇有关珍惜的作文]珍惜 大海广阔无垠,因为他珍惜每一条小溪;树叶发荣滋长,因为他珍惜每一缕阳光;群山连绵巍峨,因为他珍惜每一块砾石。 珍惜会使生命精彩,正如海潮的大海,茂盛的绿叶和高耸之云端的高...+阅读

There are three points of experience in my English study. The first point of experience is that I make myself love English learning and it becomes a interest for me to learn English. If you love English you will take much time to learn it and the learning process is happy not terrible. The second is that I persist in studying English everyday. I listen to English text everyday and when I find some new words I will look up the dictionary to find out their meanings and then record them in my notebook. The last experience is I often watch the English programs and movies and listen to the English radio program to improve my listening and speaking skill. In the future I hope my oral English will make a progress. So I decide to go to the English corner every week to practice my oral English and recite one classical English text every day. I think if I insist on doing this my oral English will be improved. 我学习英语的经验有三点。





找一篇有关于我的学习经验的作文在100字内语文是我们中国的母语,不把语文学好是不能学习别的科目的,但是我们还是有些同学语文学习成绩不高,我为大家介绍我的学习方法。 说起我最得意的学习方法,那就是玩中学,学中玩,在考...

帮忙找一篇做家务的英语作文The summer, my mother worked at home, I answered the post-operation, not to play the moment,quickly, and at this time, I saw my mother in the work, suddenly, I...

请帮忙找一篇作文谢谢啦!我的校园生活 中学生活是个百变怪,难以形容。在这个人生的花季,在美丽的繁花背后,隐藏着酸甜与苦咸。我该怎么形容你,百变的花季,百变的中学生活? 甜 一年前,我初次踏入中学大门。...

帮忙找一篇关于人之常情的范文友情是"friendship" 作文: What does friendship mean? There is no definite answer. An eternal theme in literature, friendship is also indispensable in daily life. Fr...

帮帮忙帮我找一篇600字的关于母爱的作文展开全部展开全部第一篇 不忘父母养育恩 当你坐在明亮的教室中聆听老师讲课时,当你坐在饭桌前吃着可口的饭菜时,你可曾想到从嗷嗷侍哺的婴儿成长为今天的你,父母要付出多少血汗...


帮忙找一篇英文作文Computer are extremely important in the modern world of today. In the fast moving life of the modern life, computers hold tremendous significance. Many of us wi...

