

02月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[请帮忙找一篇歌颂真善美的作文]生活中的真善美 和谐社会人人夸,重庆山美、水美、人更美。十月六日是中秋节,爸爸、妈妈、外公、外婆和我一起前往向往已久的永川野生动物园去游玩,在这里,我亲身体验到生活中的...+阅读

Computer are extremely important in the modern world of today. In the fast moving life of the modern life, computers hold tremendous significance. Many of us will feel crippled without a computer, as we have gotten so used to this machine. The importance of computer can not be denied in the corporate or business world, at the work place and even in one's personal life. Computer has become an important tool for keeping databases, filling systems, track records. It has made record keeping and account keeping much easier than it ever was. It helps an organization save tons of times. It has made data analysis extremely easy, and it can be done at a single click of the mouse. Computer also serve as useful tools for communication. Normal post is now commonly referred to as snail mail, as the much faster email has replaced it. In a word, computer is getting more and more important in many fields and plays important role in many aspects. Realizing the importance of computer and learning the technology of using, your study, your work as well as your life will be more interesting and convenient.


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